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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Pilots, Buy a Campaign and get 50% OFF Any Collector Plane! (Excludes Spitfire and Hs-129) Source: https://il2sturmovik.com/media/image/64/ Campaigns: https://il2sturmovik.com/store/campaigns/ Planes: https://il2sturmovik.com/store/collector-planes/ orig Post: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/32133-buy-campaign-and-get-50-collector-planes/ Any comments? Post them below, questions also
  2. Hi Guys, im back from my Vacation and the il2 Team has posted some great news for us, you can find the original post in the link below and also larger pics inside it. 177 Hello everybody, The winter is coming and we're approaching the Battle of Kuban release run. The Career mode texts are finished and being translated right now. Cooperative mode is in the internal testing phase. P-39L, A-20B and Yak-7B flight models are nearly finished, Bf 109 G-6 and La-5FN exterior models are ready and their cockpits are in the works. Today we can show you the current state of the A-20B bomber interior: We're completing the increased rendering distance feature: the atmospheric haze has been tuned for it and skydome has been completely reworked for daytime and dusk light conditions. At the moment, we're working on winter landscape and skydome graphics, as well on cumulus clouds. Plans for the new year are being finalized and confirmed, but we'll maintain the suspense a bit more, all we can say now is that they'll definitely amaze you. To finish today's relatively short Dev Diary, we present you the first in-game shots of Bf 109 G-6 Collector Plane: The LINK: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry525835 178 Hello everybody, today we'll briefly tell you about two new features. First, in conjunction with increasing the landscape rendering distance, we also increased the clouds rendering distance - they are now visible almost three times further than before. Together with the new gamma and gradient for the skydome we showed you earlier, it gives the sim a significantly new look. For example, the 'feeling of flight' became even more natural at medium and high altitudes and when you fly under the clouds the new perspective is stunning. We also improved the look of cumulus clouds, making them more realistic and diverse; they can also appear at two layers now. It is interesting to note that we were able to recreate one of the real life effects - the Earth projecting its shadow on the opposite to the setting sun part of the sky). As the popular saying goes, one picture is worth a thousand words: The second new feature is related to the look of the bare metal parts on various aircraft - in the future, we plan to make planes that weren't painted and had a polished or matte aluminum finish. The metal parts on lend-lease planes P-40E-1, Spitfire Mk.Vb, P-39L-1 and A-20B and Italian MC.202 ser.8 (which also has a bare metal skin) will look even more realistic and authentic. The LINK: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry528352 Have fun reading it! If you have any comments, leave it here or on the il2 Forum
  3. Yes and those nice effects and graphics, it just feel right! And you get more for your money than with DCS for the one who doesnt want to klick the pit. It is about flying, not studying the plane internal systems
  4. Dev Update 176 and bellow you can find the earlier update 175, why?! Why not if you want to see the larger pics bellow, simply click on the link below Im leaving now for two weeks and maybe i will be able to post some updates. Hope you enjoy it and have fun reading it! Some comments would be nice, if you like those devblogs or not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everybody, another week has passed and we have interesting IL-2 news for you once again. First of all, our programmers started the work on the next new gameplay mode: Cooperative. In the start, this mode will include new multiplayer server type, where a player will have to choose an aircraft in a scenario mission. The mission will start once enough players have joined and confirmed they are ready. The aircraft not claimed by human players will be controlled by AI, so the mission will proceed as it was designed even if the server isn't full. The mission scenario could be nearly anything you could think of - scripting allows a mission designer to create almost any combat situation. Moreover, the multiplayer branching campaigns will be possible, when a mission outcome decides which mission to load next. Judging by what the =DED= squad has made possible so far on their server, dynamic scenario campaign will be also doable. Our preliminary plans for the next year include improving not only the new Cooperative but also the existing Deathmatch multiplayer modes by giving the players more convenient means to socialize, offering a more informative, visual and convenient way to select and join a server. We'll be able to tell you more later when we set these plans in stone. For now, we can say that our post-2.012 changes include a ton of changes and additions already and we'll be telling you about them as they mature, in the each Dev Blog. This also means that this time the waiting for the next update will be longer than usual, so please bear with us - we're certain that your patience will be rewarded with the new neat stuff that will be in. To make this Dev Blog a bit less dry, here are some WIP Aircobra screenshots - you can already see it in the game engine. This one is going to be really interesting and we'll tell you about it in detail in our next news update. And some WIP rain effects Dev Blog 175 Hello everybody, the month of surprises continues and today we present you a new kind of them - instead of a new plane it will be a new tech. Our lead programmer and lead landscape designer were developing new stuff for a couple of months already: it will allow us to make the visual image of the sim drastically more realistic and modern looking in the next update. Their main task was increasing the rendering distance of the terrain almost four times, from 40 to 150 kilometers, and they completed it successfully. This task automatically brings several smaller ones with it in tow: increasing rendering distance of the clouds and making them more diverse, improving the air haze, the horizon, making additional, simplified landscape beyond the map borders since you can see so far now and so on. Ofcourse, one of the main objectives was to not allow significantly FPS drop appear due to this new feature, and we succeed in this. For example, today's discussion on how the new haze should look was so tense and spirited you won't believe it, with many members of the team participating - producer Jason Williams, lead programmer Sergey Vorsin, lead landscape designer Evgeny Isaev, lead physics engineer Andrey Solomykin, build manager Andrey Dineev, physics engineer Roman Kovalenko and yours truly Daniel Tuseev, of course . You can see the current result of the work on the following screenshots that were taken during daytime at 5000, 2000, 500 and 100 meters altitude. This improvement will get rid of likely the last important thing our engine lacked in comparison to our competitors, and now it looks like we're taking the lead instead. Otherwise, our graphics engine is hands down the best among the combat flight sims. But we won't stop at this, that's for sure, we'll move forward! https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry520948
  5. If you had to buy a new automobile.

    I like it small and light, the new MX5 ND RF is one of my favs, price is nice also realistic.
  6. Hi and again im posting a further Dev Update from the Developers of il2. Hello everybody, In general, the work is proceeding as planned. All three remaining Battle of Kuban planes (Yak-7b, P-39L and A-20B) are in Engineers department now. P-39L and A-20B 3D cockpits are being made and textured, while the 3D model of Yak-7b is finished. In the meantime, the new Career mode is being filled with a lot of content: - It includes all the three battles depicted in our project: Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad and Battle of Kuban: - Battle of Moscow consists of 200 days starting from October 2nd, 1941, when the German offensive began at large, and ending on April 20th, 1942, when the Russian counteroffensive stopped at Rzhev; - Battle of Stalingrad is 163 days long, from August 23rd, 1942 (the first massed bombing of Stalingrad and German 6th Army crossing the river Don) till February 2nd, 1943 (when its remains surrendered in what was left of the city); - Battle of Kuban goes for 176 days from the German attempt to crush the Soviet bridgehead at Mysjako near Novorossiysk on April 17th, 1943 till October 9th, 1943, when the remaining German troops were evacuated from Taman peninsula to Crimea. -145 squadrons total, each one of them having historically correct aircraft and airfields; - 98 of these squadrons a player can join, so they have squadron histories. While being brief, these histories are 40 000 words combined; - All German squadrons have unique insignias and Soviet ones have regimental banners; - 83 newspapers you'll be receiving while playing Career have 61 000 words; - Around 550 historical photos add more life to the new mode; - Each pilot will not only have a name, rank, and credentials like in Rise of Flight, but also a photo thanks to the new photo generator. 24 unique pilot biographies (12 per side) add more flavor to the game; - There are 38 mission types planned, way more that we have had before (Rise of Flight career and the current BoX campaign have 22 mission types); - AI controlled objects in missions will be more numerous thanks to the performance optimizations we conducted earlier. For example, player flight will include up to 9 aircraft (there are up to 5 in Rise of Flight and the current BoX campaign); - The Career will offer a number of options to suit anyone's playstyle, skill, PC performance; - Around 70 different awards can be earned by a player in this mode. Each one of them will be supplemented by a brief description and have unique conditions to be awarded. Here are a few examples Here you can find the Devblog and the Forum 173 https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry515596 174 https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry518221 Hello everybody, Since the last Dev Diary and until the next version release we'll be telling you about the coming gameplay modes bit by bit. Today we'll talk about the already completed (just as the rest of the Career mode meta content) feature - weekly world news updates that come in a form of a newspaper. While this feature doesn't affect the gameplay directly, it plays a major role in creating the historical background for a player, telling about what happened to this date on the Eastern front and other fronts of the world war. Moreover, the newspaper includes the list of ace pilots to this date, the most effective pilots of USSR or Germany depending on the side you're playing. The player himself would be listed there, making his way to the top (hopefully). The list will show top 20 aces for the current Career date and 5 more effective and 5 less effective aces relative to the player. It should be noted that the creation of the historically accurate weekly list of the ace victories required much work. This information is available on the Internet, but it comes in many different formats, contains many errors or typos in the names as well as formatting issues that didn't allow us to use it as is. Nevertheless, we have accumulated and standardized this data, so the weekly aces victories will be as close to the real historical values as it was possible to do. Meanwhile, our 2D artists continue to draw the historical awards. In addition to medals and other decorations, there will be more unusual awards as well. For example, Soviet pilots were given certain money bonuses for destroying enemy objects and other achievements. Such awards will be shown like this - currency notes and a commemorative sign. Luftwaffe pilots have received different awards like trophy caps: And the final piece of news for today (and our next surprise) is that in addition to Bf 109 G-6 we have announced in the previous Dev Diary we're also working on La-5FN series 2. As you can see below, we have its exterior 3D model almost ready. The work on its cockpit will start next week and its flight model development will follow a bit later. La-5FN fighter is a symbol of the Soviet airforce of the war, just like Bf 109 G-6 is a symbol of the German airforce. We dreamed about having them in our project for a long time and finally, we have this opportunity. We hope you'll also like this.
  7. Damn what a beast!
  8. Strange thing is, i cant see the plane in the LOD Viewer from mue
  9. German Air Force Tornados

    Was waiting for it, thanks Florian, the German Air Force is growing!
  10. Hello everybody, As promised earlier, this week we'll show you another Allied fighter that participated in the Battle of Kuban - Yak-7b series 36. This aircraft had an unusual story: being a one-seat fighter, it was actually converted from two-seat training plane Yak-7 by removing the rear cockpit. However, this wasn't a field modification of existing planes, Yak-7b was mass produced. The war started badly for the USSR, so it was decided to use the existing Yak-7 assembly lines to produce Yak-7b model with minimal production changes needed. Later, the upgraded Yak-7b became Yak-9, the most produced Soviet fighter of WWII era. Speaking of its weaponry, it is an up-gunned version of Yak-1: 20mm ShVAK engine cannon and two synchronized 12.7mm UBS machine guns installed on the engine cowling could be complemented by two 50kg or 100kg bombs to engage ground targets. The increased firepower is the main advantage of Yak-7b compared to Yak-1. Part 172 Today is a very simple Developer Diary. Some images of the A-20B cockpit for you. We hope you enjoy. DD 171: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry511051 DD 172: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry513976 As always, have fun reading it and enjoy the pictures :) Best regards Martin
  11. A400M

    Great model from a great modder! Thanks
  12. A400M

    So unexpected, thanks !!!
  13. Im slowly catching up to the current Dev Update that is nearly 1 month ahead, thats why i post 2 - 3 updates a week, until we get to the most current one, hope you enjoy it and i can raise your interest in this realy nice sim Have fun and best regards, Martin Hello everybody, since 2.012 release, more than a half of Battle of Kuban content is available in Early Access already. We have three aircraft left to release (P-39L-1, A-20B, Yak-7B series 36) and two game modes (Career and Coop), but since the 2.012, we're positive they will be ready on time. Career mode is almost finished from a technical point of view and it is being filled with data. The main guy who works on it is Victor =FB=ViKs Sechnoy, he has a vast experience and we're sure you'll like the result. At the moment, Victor is working on mission contents - we'll try to keep all the best things you may have enjoyed in BoS and BoM dynamic campaign and Rise of Flight career while adding new things that will improve the diversity of tactical situations and mission tasks. Jason and his team of enthusiasts have nearly finished the work on the career texts while our old friend Dmitry =choybolsan= Kulikov finished drawing the squadron emblems and banners. We still have a lot to do before the end of the year, but the momentum we gained as a team makes us sure we will be successful. "On the last pic i have zoomed a little bit in and removed the il2 logo cause of size, all pics are property of 777" ( edited for this post by76.IAP-Black) The physical models of the three remaining aircraft are in the making for some time already; Yak-7B 3D model is nearly finished and we'll be able to show you its screenshots next week. The exterior model of A-20B has been finished some time ago (its screenshots are in the Dev Diary #158), but its cockpits take much time to make. Today we'll show you the WIP screenshots of the real symbol of the Battle of Kuban, the fighter on which Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, one of the most successful Allied aces and the highest scoring pilot flying any American fighter design in history, became famous: Bell P-39 Airacobra. This aircraft brings two new American weapons into our project arsenal: 7.62mm Browning M2 .30 and 37mm Browning M4 autocannon. These graphs show how close to the reference data we were able to recreate the ballistics of their AP rounds: M2 .30 machine gun has good fire rate (1350 shots per minute) and muzzle speed (845 meters per second), close to German MG 17. However, there will be an option in the game to remove 7.62 guns, their ammo and the rear armor plate that protected the oil reservoir, reducing the total weight of the aircraft by 200 kilograms, its time of turn and improving its vertical maneuverability. 37mm M4 autocannon is similar to German 20mm MG-FF by design - its fire rate and muzzle speed were sacrificed to reduce the weight of the gun and its recoil. These compromises improved the burst fire accuracy but greatly hampered the anti-armor effectiveness (the armor penetration of this gun is 29mm at 500m). Because of this, AP ammo for these guns wasn't supplied to USSR via the lend-lease program in adequate quantities, so AP loadout will be an optional modification in the game. Primarily, 37mm M4 autocannon in the sim will be a weapon of choice against large air targets, and HE rounds are the best for this task. Here is the link as Usual to this Dev Blog https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5#entry508214
  14. The model looks good, check always the mapping, sometimes it gets distorted. Who is skinning it? Carlo?
  15. Il2 Battle of Moscow is currently on SALE https://il2sturmovik.com/ https://il2sturmovik.com/store/battle-of-moscow/ There are two versions, one standart and one premium with 2 additional planes to fly In addition to Standard Edition contents, the Premium Edition includes two additional Collector Planes: The US built P-40E-1 the USSR used under Lend-Lease Act and the Italian MC.202. IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Moscow can be used as a separate product or be integrated with BOS and/or BOK, resulting in one big WWII Eastern Front combat flight-sim. Note: On Steam, customers must first purchase Battle of Stalingrad if they wish to purchase Battle of Moscow. 2 Collector Planes (P-40 and MC.202) 8 Battle of Moscow Aircraft Moscow Map Battle of Moscow Campaign Quick Mission Builder Single-Player Missions Multi-Player Mode Player Controlled Tanks
  16. This is an dev Blog Update from the il2 Development Team from August, i will post frequently the new il2 Dev updates here to keep you guys informed. (Im not a part of the Dev Team, but im a supporter and a great fan of this series) They will expand to the pacific next year, until this, they will finish the new great Battle for Kuban! To find some Dev update pics, follow the Link bellow Here you have a preview of the Kuban map, already available for the BOK "Battle of Kuban" Preorder. https://il2sturmovik.com/ Hello Everyone! We approach the next milestone. Tomorrow we plan to begin testing if the release candidate version 2.012, which, as we said earlier, will include very significant innovations like: - German twin-engined attack aircraft Hs 129 B-2, - Kuban map; - New technology of shadows with extended range, clarity and detail in the cabin and flexible settings; - The updated flight model of all the aircraft of the IL-2 project, the planes will be more stable in the airflow, more properly respond to glide and a huge number of other changes in the flight physics; - Improved morning / evening mist visualization; - Improved visualization of armored glass on all aircraft of the project; - Updated set of official aircraft colors Bf 109 F-4 and Ju 87 D-3. Speaking of the plane Hs 129 B-2, it should be noted that this is an extremely interesting aircraft with many features. Firstly, this is the first twin-engine single-seat aircraft in our project. Secondly, it is equipped with French production air-cooled engines Gnome-Rhone 14M, with automatically adjustable oil coolers and a constant speed screw (2750 rpm) with the possibility of manual direct control of the pitch of the screw and the mode of feathering. The airplane is equipped with flaps with a hydraulic smooth extending system, which includes a special metering cylinder for extending flaps right to intermediate take-off position. In the cockpit there is a folding armored seat for easy getting in the aircraft. The instruments for monitoring engine parameters are installed directly on engine cowls, outside the cabin. Front firing weapons of the aircraft are installed in the central part of the fuselage, behind the cockpit, and fire through special channels along the sides of the cabin. Despite the tightness, the configuration of the cockpit canopy provides the pilot with an excellent front-to-bottom visibility, which is extremely important for the attack aircraft. Collimator sight is installed very unusually - outside the canopy, in front of the armored windscreen, which is also unusual in itself because it has a curved shape with a multilayer structure. The "Revi C/12D mit Zieleinrichtung" gun sight is equipped with a special mechanical sighting device for level bombing at fixed altitudes and speeds; How to use it in detail is shown in the images below. Well, finally, this is the first aircraft in our project that carries 30 mm cannonin the form of an optional under-fuselage mounted gun MK 101 or MK 103. Also a under-fuselage gunpod with 4 MG-17 machine guns can be mounted, bringing the total amount of front firing weapons to 8 with a common rate of fire up to 9200 rounds per minute, and ammunition up to 6,500 rounds. In total, version 2.012 will be one of the most important milestones in the history of the Il-2 project. Of course, with so many changes, there may be some shortcomings that we weren't able to find during testing, but we hope that their amount will be minimal and will not hamper the pleasure that you will undoubtedly get in the process of getting acquainted with this update. Here you can find the Dev Blog below: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/30723-developer-diary-part-169-discussion/
  17. View File KS-3/4 Ejection Seats Hello Guys, We are releasing the KS-3 and KS-4 Ejection Seats for the upcoming Sukhoi family. KS-3 was used by Su-7/9/11/17 early KS-4 was used by Su-15/17M/20/22 If the seats were used by other planes, just post the info in the comments pls. Place the seats on the Objects/Pilots folder on your game folder and use this in the (plane) data.ini for the new seats: Positon for the TK Su-7: (example) // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Pilot_Mi-8 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,4.93,0.83 SeatModelName=KS-4 SeatPosition=0.0,4.79,0.86 **************************************** You need to remove the Su-7 standart seat first with ini edits: "Su-7_data.ini" [AircraftData] *** *** Component[0xx]=EjectionSeat <----- add this to the components (take care of the number for the xx) [EjectionSeat] <----- Add this section down below the components ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=EjectionSeat_ok DestroyedNodeName=tailgun_cabin_glass DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model by 76.IAP-Blackbird Skin by Enoc alias Flogger23 Submitter 76.IAP-Blackbird Submitted 10/06/2017 Category Pilot Mods
  18. Sukhois

    The KS Ejection Seats are released as the first part of the Sukhoi project. Descriptions to place them in the TK Su-7 are included also
  19. KS-3/4 Ejection Seats

    Version 1.0.0


    Hello Guys, We are releasing the KS-3 and KS-4 Ejection Seats for the upcoming Sukhoi family. KS-3 was used by Su-7/9/11/17 early KS-4 was used by Su-15/17M/20/22 If the seats were used by other planes, just post the info in the comments pls. Place the seats on the Objects/Pilots folder on your game folder and use this in the (plane) data.ini for the new seats: Positon for the TK Su-7: (example) // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=Pilot_Mi-8 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,4.93,0.83 SeatModelName=KS-4 SeatPosition=0.0,4.79,0.86 **************************************** You need to remove the Su-7 standart seat first with ini edits: "Su-7_data.ini" [AircraftData] *** *** Component[0xx]=EjectionSeat <----- add this to the components (take care of the number for the xx) [EjectionSeat] <----- Add this section down below the components ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=EjectionSeat_ok DestroyedNodeName=tailgun_cabin_glass DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model by 76.IAP-Blackbird Skin by Enoc alias Flogger23
  20. Prayers for the families and victims

    A tragedy... but why prayers, ... after it? Doesn`t make sense to me sorry
  21. Someone told me that Russo is working on the UM, cause I was thinking about just update the canopy of Florians great 21U model. @ Russo, can you pls tell me if its worth to start on this upgrade or just wait for your, and could you even pls post some pics ?! Since we are in a MiG-21 hype, I hope we will see some cool pics from you Russo
  22. Sukhois

    Great Job on the Skins! Thanks man!
  23. Sukhois

    All by its time, for todays Development Update, as the cockpits are WIP, I can show some progress on this little bird, I believe the polish guys will be happy too. Many parts are heavily under construction!!!
  24. Iraqi Air Force Su-20 and Su-22 (Skins not final) Su-22 Su-20

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