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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. sorry have to excuse I mixed iti up with this threat hope it`s allowed to post this link here http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12981
  2. I hope I don`t mix here something up cause have il2 addons in mind... but I`m sure there was also a HD P-51... but the ones from TK looks cool too!
  3. wasn`t there some differences on the intakes between the JA-37 and the AJ-37, sorry can`t provide some pics for now but I found an interesting site http://members.chello.nl/~f.vanvoorst/ maybe it helps I love this modern skin
  4. not sure the one I saw was a HD model
  5. Oha, that is a bit difficult, you have t odesignate the body as fuselage, rename it too ( is better) then you have to link the wings to the fuselage. It`s called hirarchie. rightouterwing --->rightinnerwing--->fuselage<---leftinnerwing<---rightouterwing You have to link the parts in the right order, it sounds more difficult than it is. The rest is modeling, you need a bit experiance to model the parts the right way, you will notice that you have (in the beginning) too start some parts over and over again, cause the result is not the one you are looking for! best method for me is "edit poly" so you can edit the whole mesh of the plane without probs. in the edit list you can find "turbosmooth" and "smooth", turbosmooth adds more polys to the model and destroys it, cause you lose the control for it. Smoothing doesn`t destroy it calculates edges as round objects, they have still edges but the light and shadow is calculated as round. you need the LOD extractor tool for max wich creates the LOD for the game. but where and how to start is up to you. This was the first pack of infos I can provide to you, I`m not an expert, still have many questions myself. FC is a pro, suicidal too and many others, Ravenclaw, Amokfloo .... you can look into the WIP threats to see how they work step by step
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    klingt gut, ein cockpit für die trall, .. boar ich häng hier shcon wieder rumm ich muss lernen nur ich habe keine lust
  7. No prob, we have here enough people who can provide some infos, this is a nice comunity.
  8. never knew there was a two seater ..
  9. Oh yeah, looks realy promising! Nice to see updated older models!
  10. Inskyeteam is remaking the 27 family up to 47, yes you have read right the berkut, a Su-33 and the ub version is WIP too
  11. Looks good is this the "C"? or the M, what versions are you planing?
  12. Do I see it right you are remaking this bird??? realy nice!
  13. looks realy impressiv, new inovations with every game
  14. For 50% it looks damn good abit of detail here correcting stuff there and it will be ready to go.. now I know how much work is in one of those birds! realy looking forward to this one! noe we need a french carrier and if someone is making one (i need a kusznezow too )
  15. hope you can merge those games!
  16. That`s exactly what I was looking for!! dam good work on this! thx!!!
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Also die Maxfile nähert sich stetig der 50MB marke Die LOD der 2MB! 1. Fahrwerk, Landelichter und Gitter in den Triebwerken 2. Airbrake 3. ------ 4. Triebwerke 5. Vorflügel 6. Refuelprobe 7. Leiter (wird wohl gelöscht und später der parkanimation hinzugefügt 8. --------- 9. Flügel zusammen klappen 10. variable intake klappen (ramps) kann man aber wohl laut FC umgehen.. erd mich da mal schlau machen also hab ich noch 3 slots.. wobei einer für animation drauf geht .. also noch 2
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Soll ich wenn du mit der Trall fertig bist das mal durch den smooth jagen nur um zu sehen ob sich was ändert.. würde dir dann die LOD zuschicken so kannst das dann mit der LOD releasen, werde ncihts drann ändern ;-) Nur als idee was sagst dazu??
  19. Help!

    If you ask me, I`m working on it since end of march 2009 and the planed release is end of 2009, still collecting infos about this bird, the technical systems and movable parts. Don`t forget this is my first plane. and a complet redone Su-30 model So yes 2 weeks
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Achso, stimmt jetzt fällt mir das ein als ich die C-47 geflogen habe, da waren die teile auhc im innenraum verstaut.. jeje das könnte lustig enden danke dir Ich brauch eindeutig mehr animationsslots!
  21. Take a look into those intakes, there are two "slats" modeled, th4ey seem to work like variable intakes, similar like the ones on the F-111 or the F-15 with their moving intakes. I need some Data how those slats work and on wich speeds, I would ask JAT if he would like to make the right entries for the Su-33UB Flanker-D. Those parts are already modeled on my plane I only need some info about the degrees and speed they deply. hope you can help me out best regards Martin
  22. Thx Fastcargo, will take a look on the F-15 parts... all this stuff is a bit new to me so excuse my neverending questions
  23. @ Ciacho found the solution, the FOD`s move from downside up take a look o nthem here great video and a nice teaser for my self :-P
  24. Help!

    JAT did a great job on the FM, so you can expect a hard opponent. Still working on details and shape... thx for your interest

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