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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Oh didn`t knew that.. very good work on them! I like the Mig-23 family I`m only flying them now ...
  2. Forum suggestions!

  3. Oh so I have overlooked it sorry
  4. P-61 WIP

    there was a "a" missing I ment "area" not are.. and was refering to veltros work, if he models it nice from in and outside than we can use the open pit method, I think it works when all is done the proper way!
  5. Found this here will you model this also?
  6. P-61 WIP

    If the pit are is modeled right we can use the open pit method?! Would be a good idea together with the p-38 panels!
  7. P-61 WIP

    Looks great thx for this bird! If you need someone who look over it pls contact me ;-) Good work!
  8. Thx lindr2 If you need someone to betatest the 3D stuff pls contact me, I will try to help out! Sometimes 4 eyes see more than 2 ;-) so far damn good work!
  9. GT Legends

    Hi Im new on this sim and it`s great.. damn nice muscle cars!!! Are there any mods or addons for this game?! Does someone else drive it?
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    und hat es gefunzt wie du es wolltest?
  11. Hi lindr I have found 2 minor 3D bugs pls take a look at it the first one can be found on all UB`s and UMs the "wall" behind the first pilot is wrong, you ca nsee trough it from behind but when you look from the front there is a wall! When the canopy on the UBs and UM is open there is a hole behind the second wall and you can look trough the plane And take a look on the 27 canopy frame, marked on the pic ... nothing bad only found it wanted to share this info with you
  12. This looks awesome hope the fps hit isn`t so hard ..
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Jop Calro hab auch shcon geantwortet :-) Muss jetzt etwas aufräumen hier sieht aus wie Normandie nach der Landung :-(
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    welche version ist das denn? scheint mir die 2009 zu sein? Die hab ich dann! Und ja die müssen gemapped werden damit du ein "layout" hast nach denen du dann skinnen kannst.. ist kein allzu großer aufwand nur ganz so profi bin ich nicht aber ich kann mir das mal ansehen! schick mal rüber die dinger!
  15. that is a nice work and thx for the animation ID ;-) You have a good sense for details!
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    @Soulfreak meinst ich soll die Windräder mappen? hab ich das richtig verstanden?! Ich habe den sommer hier alles auf Eis gelegt was geht da ich irgendwie mit Uni nicht so hinterher komme! mache nichts mehr ausser meine installation modden mal hier mal da :-( leide rkeine Zeit! erst nach september geht das wieder los bei mir!
  17. The germans like to have contorl over everything! or imgaine you stop your car and the doors open automaticly... very funny at redlights!
  18. MiG-23B

    This bird is a cool adition to SF! Any plans to create SF2 compatible stuff? same question for your weapons pack?!
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sieht super aus kann es sein das du gerade alle Waffen umbaust? Kommt einem sehr gelegen! Dazu die Hunter! Sehr gute Arbeit!
  20. If you had seen it before Ravenclaw put his fingers on it.. now it`S a nearly complet rebuild!
  21. thx for this fix ;-) very good work on those birds!! a long awaited one!
  22. Happy Birthday 76.IAP-Blackbird!

    Thx we were at a MX-5 Meeting in the middle of germany, the biggest in europe! the MX-5 has also birthday, 20 years now and I celebrated mine in the middle of over 530 MX-5s!! We had great weather, many sunburns and a lot of alk in the evening!! Imagine a small town in the middle of nowhere wth beautyfull streets and a damn nice landscape!! One of the best birthdays I`ve ever had!

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