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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. SFP2 serie

    Meine importierten terrains sehen immer noch so aus habe bei vietnam GH2 und die fixes entpackt, nichts, dann die catfiles entpackt und das terrain sieht immer noch so aus beim germany terrain sieht es auch so aus.. ka warum
  2. good work on this! very nice concept for a artilerysystem!
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    klingt aber als würde das Teil sich lohnen, wenn ich daran denke wie es am anfang aussah als wir / du es bekommen hast. Vielen Dank für die Arbeit! Habe dir noch etwas geschickt habe ich mal eben schnell aus dem Schnabeltier skin gebastelt, eigentlich nur so für mich aber finde es sieht nciht schlecht aus ;-)
  4. Would say this is a ini stuff ;-) WIP by inskye team!
  5. Aleducat is working on the T-50 and some other stuff so far I know Yak-38 also?! you can learn every day new stuff
  6. weapons ready for action desert rats on tour
  7. there is only krizis working on the yak 38!
  8. I try to figure out how to set canards as normal elevator and include a slat entry. I found this feature on the EF2000 and tried to reproduce it on some of the Suchois but it doesn`t work. What is the magic behind this?
  9. canard/slat ini

    thanks for this answer, this is a good explanation, will check it out. best regards Martin
  10. canard/slat ini

    Do I need to set it up in max or can I ini edit it? This sounds interesting for me.
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    wie schaut es mit der Buc aus?
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    @ Volker Wenn du etwas mit dem baby machst was ich dir geschickt habe, bitte posten!
  13. Hi all I have a nice 3D model of a F-5E tiger on my HDD, my idea is to share it with the comunity, it was not build by me and it was freeware. The idea behind this is, we have recieved some damn nice T-38, F-5F and B models form Kowalski (FC). I don`t know if MF is working on some HD Tigers but for now my maxfile is a pretty good base to start on. I wrote to FC but he hasn`t reply until now maybe he reached the current PM limits. Any one else who is interested in this file can contact me here will send it via rapidshare. This will be a great addition to the nice new twoseater versions! best regards Martin
  14. F-5E MF ?

    Ok F-5E is send to Ravenclaw
  15. canard/slat ini

    Does it need a seperate animation slot? It`s only listet as canards/elevators. I Try to work it out for my Su-33UB, the LOD is partly destroyed so I test it on anothre bird. When I have repaired it I could send it to you if you like
  16. canard/slat ini

    thanks fubar will try it ;-)
  17. I use it already in the sf2V D model, realy good work!
  18. How is this new map scaled 1:1? or other ratios? looks good and will be nice for some intercept missions... the bear is coming
  19. Happy Birthday Soulfreak

    Happy Birthday auch von mir!!!
  20. Don`t forget his other stuff, the herc with pits, F-29!! havent flown this baby since ATF from janes, than the Buffs outstanding work!!! Good man, cant imganinge what will be next, he is a big surprise!
  21. Looks realy good @FC did you recieved my PM?
  22. RAF "AF2000-Barracuda"

    what about a two seater? :-P Good work on this very interesting concept! Any RL inspirations for this?

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