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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Great work!! Got it and shot some bogeys down! tricked some flankers!
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So werdebald mene Prüfungen abgeschlossen haben, dann endlich wieder zeitfür 3D, habe hier nch ein F-5 HD modell welches ich überlegt habe ins spiel zu bringen, hat da jemand interesse drann mir zu helfen? Die Su 33 hat nen knacks bekommen das meshsieht super bei mir aus als ich es von einem Freund öffnen lies war es kaputt, es war zu öffnen aber irgendwie war es kaputt, alles verschoben und zerstört.. nur bei mir sah es gut aus. Wenn ich einen der modifiert in der LIste lösche sieht mein mesh genau so aus, kaputt. Da muss ein fehler im modifier passiert sein, wie es aussieht werd ichdas ding komplett neu machen müssen... verdammt.
  3. This seems to be a bug, but we here in germany call it "Schilderwald" a normal situation for every cardriver
  4. Chok dee soundtrack

    I`m searching for the soundtracks of this movie or even this one here in the video, maybe I have some luck and someone here knows the name. best regards Martin
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe hier noch ein HD F-5 modell wenn einer interesse hat meldet euhc mal, kann es dann zuschicken.
  6. SFP2 serie

    Die F-5B ist super gelungen, wäre fast dafür das wir die cockpitscheiben nun alle so in der SF2 art machen, das ist einfach klasse, aber nun zu meinem prob, die F-5B ist unstartbar im Hard FM modus habt ihr das auch schon erlebt.. man kann sie nicht hochziehen da die dann zu einer seite zieht
  7. It is in the download section posted by AmokFloo http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5305 It`s a whole new model with very nice featuers. But every time after some flying I have a CTD?! Don`t know why or whats wrong. Am I the only one who have this?!
  8. co něco československého?

    gras airfield v cesku?
  9. Virtuelles deutsches Geschwader

    Zama Bilder :-D
  10. Virtuelles deutsches Geschwader

    Die Gina als Trainer finde ich recht interessant
  11. afterburner tga, not the effect, and the textures for the landinginstrument left of the HUD... reloading it. Maybe it`s solved we have a very painfullslow connection today, duno why...
  12. I`ve got it, goo work so far but had to redownload, have a bad connection here and some textures are missing, loading again ;-)
  13. Hi all, I have a prob with my Su-33UB project wich is on halt since 2 month I have a bug in the wings, when I delete them the bird works good. But when the wings still are on the plane the game crash. I need a experienced 3D modeler who can help me sorting this issue out of my model. Who would volunteer and help me with this? so far best regards Martin
  14. Someone with 2009 Max?

    I linked the outerwing with the inner wing, animation works fine until I started to create the detailed flaps... I mirrored the right to the left and relink it, but it doesn`t work anymore. very confusing
  15. Someone with 2009 Max?

    The CTD is on mission loading, now I tried it and the deleting wing stuff doesn`t work anymore. I think it has something to do with the maximum amount of parts linked to another one. I will investigate it when I find some free time Thx guys for the answers, cause of no time I have passed the model to aleducat for crosschecking, will start working on it after 3 weeks...
  16. seems to be a nice story, FC pls tell us more...
  17. SF2 KB notice

    Ah ok no probI posted my question in our german subforum but due of no time for try and error I will wait for a green hell 2 SF2 version
  18. SF2 KB notice

    KB is great but still missing some infos about green hell2 and the treemods, still have probs to get those mods working in SF2 series.. created new folders put the stuff into them and see what happen. The trees are no trees they are blogy. Like the tgas were not transparent but like BMP`s.
  19. May I ask if this will be the pit for Mirage Factorys F-14`s? Looks superb
  20. IL-76 update

    No prob, thx for reply, your bird looks good!
  21. IL-76 update

    Veltro, could you pls recheck the radome pls... look here as reference ;-) yours is a bit thin in comparrison to this pic a A-50, not sure if this is maybe a different version.
  22. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey flo wie ist das eigentlich bei dir, geht das Prog was ich dir geschickt habe? Volker hat probs damit???
  23. I had the same prob with my Su, when the plane is mapped and all seems to be correct and you try to work on a small edge or any other place on the 3D model this bleeding apears. Don`t know realy why but I had to remap the whole plane to overcome it

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