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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ah ok kein thema mach wie du kannst ;-)
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Gebt mal bitte feedback funzt der Max oder nicht.. ich hoffe habe es zweigeteilt wegen der größe am besten beides auf platte kopieren und dann entpacken das funzt, habe es bei mir getestet und das verzeichnis wurde ohne probs entpackt...
  3. F-35 Pilot Pack

    got them thx for this work!!!
  4. SFP2 serie

    Mal sehen wie das alles so funktioniert
  5. SFP2 serie

    Oha nicht schlecht das ganze, da hat man gleich mehr möglichkeiten für cockpits... scheint mir fast so als könnte man wohl auf SF2 umschwenken, allein wegen der avionic.. die unterversionen der Flieger, das ist ne andere Geschichte.. aber die Avionic gefällt mir
  6. SFP2 serie

    wie sieht denn so ein modernens pit in SF2 aus? jemand sprach von waffenstatus anzeigen? RWR rework habe ich shcn in SF2 gesehn
  7. how does those "weaponstatus" screens look and work?? mentioned some posts above
  8. SFP2 serie

    joa.. klingt wohl erst lohnenswert wenn man SF2 V und e merged, denn einzeln sind diese nicht attraktiv genug finde ich, die cockpits und die avionic ist interessant
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    ja das ging ja fix, hatte keine Hüllen und DVD`s mehr und 900 gab es hier nicht also mussten die normalen herhalten ist mit Keks inkl... gern geschehen Martin
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja kein ding gestern abend abgeschickt.. müsste jetzt am We kommen, hoffe ich... habe jetzt keine hüllen hinzugelegt da ich keine mehr hatte sorry jungs.. aber ne Visitenkarte ist drinn von mir :-P
  11. ok nice list.. but nothing inovating... haven`t seen it yet and pls don`t throw stones at me
  12. you are right .. it was Oleg invention :-D
  13. No prob I know good things need their time, mig-29... F-14...Bucc .... Su-33UB :-P I know the amount of work wich is behind those birds, especialy the ini work. We all do this for free and somewhere a bit of honor. so
  14. Yes there was a F missing sorry for this, I fly the raptor very often together with the F-35, I like the design and abilitys. So I`m a fan of this bird. @Jarhead why so unfriendly? Its our possibility to create planes, weapons and stuff so what is your prob when someone is thinking about improving, excisting stuff?! If you want to discuss it we can open another topic and between bitching and asking/ considering facts is a real difference... so... .... We have improved the crusader, Corsair, new HD Phantoms and comes a person and is asking out of sudden about a HD F-22... what a suprise... sorry for sarcasm back to topic, @Erwin I can send you Erwins Su-30 model if you want now or do you want to use the one for 100 bucks? Ok it looks better and more detailed, but this one could be reworked and cost nothing ;-)
  15. Hey Eric as I was chating with erwin I get an idea, we have so nice 35 flying around that we lag a 22 with the same highdetaillevel, so If you feel you have some time and ethusiasm.. I would suggest a 22 :-D
  16. Nice info thx for this, so we only need to mod some ini`s and we have a GR9?? Great, damn this plane is very nice to fly. and the amount of details is great!!! Thx Bob
  17. Some planes are using a avionic mode wich allows to set off the IR growling of planes wich have no gun. As an example the new GR7 has no gun and when I "accidently" switch to AIM-9`s at the beginning of the mission I will hear this growling all the time until I land/crash or beeing shot down. How can I implement such a NAV mode or anything else where the Sidewinders are deselected? I will try to find a plane with this mode to have a comparrison.. I know it works someway but for now I don`t have an idea example if someone is faster.. ;-)
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Jop.. kein Ding, apropo.. Umschläge gehen morgen raus an euch beide :-) bitte um report wenn angekommen
  19. This bird is excellent, where is the difference in 3D from the GR9 or even GR9A??
  20. I asked in our forum, we have to wait for some reply... would be good to have a nice team for this bird!
  21. Hi I have a strange prob with Firefox and the CA stie, I can`t Login in the Forum, main site is no prob. So I can`t post, tried Explorer but that`s not a solution. and the Firefox Forum looks for me like this one
  22. current status shape is not done yet 100%, still dislike some parts.. will redo them when I have some time... for now ... on halt
  23. Strange Firefox CA prob

    Ok solved... don`t know how but I completly deinstalled FF and reinstalled it.. something in the old installation of FF caused this prob .. now it`s solved.... we will never know what happend.. but thx

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