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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Strange Firefox CA prob

    thx for this answer, a bit strange is that I can login with IE but not with FF, never had this prob before, it appeared first 2 or 3 days ago. I will try to reinstall FF... hope I can find a solution thank you very much for your time
  2. Great planes, nice details!!!
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So Leute, EricJ hat die Rafale M gekauft als 3D modell und fragte nach wer die machen will... hätte da jemand von euhc interesse drann?
  4. About the rafale.. maybe the GMG is interestd in this project I could ask
  5. Strange Firefox CA prob

    Was anything changed regarding to GZIP on the Forums and download sections? cause the homesite looks fine for me, but it stoped working in the university too. @ home I can acces the homesite but not the forums or other related subcategorys of the home site... take a look at this
  6. planed release is near the end of 09
  7. Strange Firefox CA prob

    Nope I use the fist of the fleet skn and all works good in IE .... but still not in Firefox
  8. did I send you the 27UB maxfile?? than you can use it not very different fomr the 30.. still no answer from erwin
  9. it`s now on stop cause of RL troube
  10. Strange Firefox CA prob

    Mh nope... still the same prob, maybe there is a missing option in Firefox... I had to reinstall it cause the last version caused some probs... don`t know what but something goes wrong and now I have this prob with CA other sites are ok.. strange
  11. Strange Firefox CA prob

    Mh I can`t even go into my account with Firefox? deleting cache? wait...
  12. than we have to fight... 1 on 1.... man vs man and plane vs plane....
  13. this starts to be a bit out of controle?! :-P After permissio of Erwin I will send you the file.. hope he replys this weekend
  14. Many parts are reworked completly, so bird is over 60% new so far I know maybe more %... this one will be hot!
  15. Idee zu einem zivilen Mod

    super! Danke werd ich erstmal laden
  16. So I have collected my stuff and uploaded it on rapidshare will send you a PM in the next minutes. Look trough it and if oyu need something else I can ask erwin for it... what do you think about the 32/34 idea? I worket out the UB from the 30 max file
  17. I saw the Rafale on the chinese forum, my request would be a Su-34 :-) while I`m making a 33UB the 32/34 is a very interesting bird..
  18. Fragen zur Arbeit mit 3ds max

    Konnte mich noch nciht damit beschäftigen, gerade etwas zu viel um die Ohren. CD ist fertig muss jetzt nur noch verschicken... hoffe ich schaff das jetzt am We
  19. Fragen zur Arbeit mit 3ds max

    wie mache ich aus 2 objekten 1? Mit der boolschen operation? ioder gibt es da noch en Trick?
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Erwin ist nicht aufzutreiben
  21. Eagle Dynamics Update – 03 May 2009

    Wuld be interesting to know if the Hokum can illuminate a target and the Su can shoot a laser missile on it..
  22. release plan is october 2010?!
  23. DCS A-10C Warthog - Update

    this looks so nice and detailed!! damn good work!
  24. we definatly need more pics of those beautys!!!

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