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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. A very interesting story...

    Oh wow, nice recovery!
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hier ist ja nichts los.. keiner mehr da ode ralle abgesprungen.. keine updates?!
  3. The laser finding wish can be used for TV stuff to or IR seeking.. better AI with the knowledege of planes and tactics, new terrain code.... and as MigBuster said!!!!!!!! Would like the Ability to give weapons to all jets in a flight as a group or individually in the loadout screen. I was asking for this since SF1
  4. Star Trek XI

    Ah ok, I had it in mind that they nearly destroyed it... traditional ;-)
  5. Believe me, it will come out of nowhere!!
  6. Star Trek XI

    I was expecting that they destroy the Enterprise.. like in every other Movie, it`s kind a tradition "destroying the enterprise"
  7. two for me please! Looks great!
  8. Star Trek XI

    it´s difficult to talk about this movie without give away the plot... :-D I will definatly watch it again..
  9. This seems to be a problem, everyone is modding for the current series, cause the new series implemented this new filestructer. It`s interesting to see when we will start "modding" the V2 of the TK series
  10. Star Trek XI

    For me the Soundtrack is great, full of honor and a lot of Star Trek mood!
  11. Star Trek XI

    Me too, great movie can`t wait to see the new "series" of movies!
  12. 2 weeks .. Ravenclaw is working on it hard
  13. "some...WIP" ?? do you have more?
  14. I work on the open cockpit useing Dels C-130 pit without struts in the E-3 and E-8.. works good not athentic but it looks good.
  15. Looks good together with a B1 its very welcomed ;-)
  16. Star Trek XI

    First I was a bit sceptic about the "new2 young movie but it is one of the best!, and damn I like the new Soundtrack!
  17. Star Trek XI

    Saw it today! Damn what a movie!! It was like coming home...
  18. This is done via Opencockpit=TRUE entry
  19. Last flight iwas comparing the canopy with some other planes, doesn´t matter wich one but as I tried a "2 sided" tga for one of my projects, the canopy starts to flickering like the one from the Ef2000. As I decided to deselect the 2 sided option the flickering was gone. The Eurofighter canopy is twosided cause when you open it you can still see the "glass". Maybe the creator can switch it in 3D max?! That´s not a critic only a new found?! I know this flickering was a "prob" from the beginning, maybe this is a solution. Need this to be confiremd by some modder!
  20. No prob nice I could help you
  21. MiG-21 MF

    nice you like it I need to model the pitot base in the right size and place ;-)

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