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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Hi I asked a week ago for some viewlist entries, I worked now on a own VIEWLIST F5 is shoulder view Shift - F5 is chase view... but look yourself, pics say more than 1000 words.. if you like it I can release it when it`s ready Also weaponview with zoom and movement added Flybyview edited still WIP and tweaking
  2. Inskyes texture artist create nice skins and some realistic pits... thx for them! Hope they post more and more pics, doesn`t matter if WIP only pics say more than 1000 words!!!
  3. F-102A

    looks great thx!
  4. aaarrrgh

    Hätten wir den Volker nicht .... ich habe auch schon einiges zerschossen :-P
  5. aaarrrgh

    Oh man was ist denn hier los? zu viel Eierlikör oder Nachtschichten eingelegt? fg :-)
  6. I found this here, very interesting http://wolfsshipyard.mystarship.com/Misc/WolfsDen/Planes.htm
  7. Do you plan to make a nice grey/white /black skin like the SMT one?
  8. I know there was a twoseater, not sure if 106 or 102 but they were in tandem... that`s the only version i know so far
  9. good job with those textures!
  10. Oh how great does it look??? Wow!!!
  11. I think erwin and co had a lot to do with RL.. same here..
  12. Hey who cars this is a sim not RL :-P we have all other planes and the Yak is a very welcomed one!
  13. This model is great!! And the new skin looks damn good, @ veltro can we help to close the 3 small holes? one infront of the pitot an the two other on the tailcones left and right?? the rest is perfect
  14. F-102 Delta Dagger

    I tried it and it`s one of oyur best planes!
  15. F-102 Delta Dagger

    Will give it a try, the pic looks good, thank you man!
  16. This one looks great thanks Dels!
  17. I saw some pics of the Cheetah as WIP a twoseater wich looked very nice so it`s coming. About this Mirage IV, it looks even better and better, the las LOD update was good hope to see some more refinements of this 3D model. a very nice and detailed 3D model atracts more modders to invest some time into it, so the result looks and feels very good! Go veltro go!!!!
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hatte gerade über die F-86 einige Daten gesammelt und mir überlegt warum ich nicht die TF-86 aus dem modell mache welches ich gerade hier auf meiner Platte habe. Wäre ja schon mal nen Anfang. Die Fury FJ-4 vermisse ich auch, ich steh total auf diesen Kaltekriegskram und Korea... früher konnte ich damit nichts anfangen, aber jetzt wo man sich etwas eingelesen hat, die Flugzeuge.. ihre Eigenschaften.. wenn es anfängt zu regnen... werde ich mal was machen. Habe ja noch ne what if F-86D als doppelsitzer hier herumfliegen
  19. RIP Ed

  20. Rafale

    I knwo Erwin is working on the C wich will be very welcomed here.
  21. Looks like a f-106 for france, what about a what if weapon like the Genie missile! Looks good! Also interested in the green grey skin I saw on the first IV pics
  22. Rafale

    I use the EC skin I fond anywhere here on CA and we had a threat about the FM, my Rafale use a "usefull" FM now, if you like I can upload the data next week. still not perfect and a mix of the stuff posted here on CA. Have to check the lights again than it`s ready to go.. will upload only ini`s for the Rafale it`s a B if I`m not wrong (twoseater)???
  23. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So hatte jetzt meine letzten Klausuren geschrieben, habe jetzt Zeit, aber absolut keinen Elan was zu machen, solange man immer irgendwie unter zeitdruck kommt, hat man die besten ideen, jetzt nur totale Leere. Zeit zum abwinken und kein elan bei dem Wetter was zu machen... Hoffe ihr seit produktiver als ich! ;-)

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