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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    habe hier noch veränderte Seat position [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0000,3.183,1.509 PilotModelName=Red7102 SeatModelName=K-36D SeatPosition=0.0000,3.183,1.509 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=Canopy CanopyAnimationID=7 und EagleEffects für den Nachbrenner.. AfterburnerEffectSize=0.8 ExhaustEffectSize=0.5 ExhaustEmitterName=DirtyExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.833,-7.218,0.024 AfterburnerEmitterName=EagleEffects MinExtentPosition= 0.913,-2.68,-0.127 MaxExtentPosition= 0.314,-6.36,-0.504 FireSuppression=TRUE AfterburnerEffectSize=0.8 ExhaustEffectSize=0.5 ExhaustEmitterName=DirtyExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=-0.833,-7.218,0.024 AfterburnerEmitterName=EagleEffects MinExtentPosition= 0.913,-2.68,-0.127 MaxExtentPosition= 0.314,-6.36,-0.504 FireSuppression=TRUE würde gern die Länge editieren habe aber keien ahnung welche die richtigen werte sind
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Danke dir wird sofort ausprobiert, benutze selbst den PTB1500 tank für die 29
  3. really no idea... something from fubar
  4. Hey comon... so many downloads, the screenshot section explodes with 29 pics... this must be a sign that the people love it!!! Or am I wrong... No mod is perfect.. but some are damn good! Even look how people react to the release and please take a look on the Dl numbers... nothing more to say!
  5. so ... I can`t stop playing it... bad MF.. bad MF.. stealing my time.... Amazing work!!!!
  6. Look what TMF and EricJ did to my WOE installation... damn and I thought I`m done with LOMAC can`T believe this is WOE
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    mh jetzt bin ich etwas ratlos .. müsste mal schauen, vllt ist das der.. habe über die ganzen piloten keinen überblick mehr ;-)
  8. Is the D from MF?! Also the E?? I has startet a small mod for it, cause the missing twosided canopy bar irritated me for a long time and I now know how to make a mod for it.. nothing more just a cosmetic correction. So my question is, would it destroy the maping of the bird if the canopy bar will be set two 2 sided maping?! The maping will be untouched I think only it will apear on the inside with the texture wich is outside on the canopy.
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich benutze eigentlich deine weapon ordner mit einigen additions Volker. Habe ja momentan nur 26xx Waffen drinn. Werde sobald ich nach Hause komme mir mal deine Loadouts zur brust nehmen. Auch die Diameter Sache mal ansehen. Möchte einfach mal Krizis Waffen haben, da die Dinger sehr zuder MiG passen... was mich nur wundert is das der Flieger kaum oder garkein4e fps Einbrüche verursacht. Klasse Arbeit. Das Ding fliegt sich auch sehr smooth. Habe bisher nur die Loadouts geänder und den specific weapons code rausgelöscht... ob das jetzt so klug war im NAchhinein.. Soll ich den wieder einfügen?! Oder klappt das ganze auch ohne .. hatte dann aber teilweise bei maueller beladung 2 Waffen an einer Station, komische Sache. Einzig was mir aufgefallen ist, war die Sitzposition.. habe die selbst etwas zurück gesetzt.. @Amokfloo X Ray hatte mir von einem Piloten erzählt den du gemacht hast, mit Maske und Visir unten, den aber nicht im Pack veröffentlich hast .. könntest du den bitte hochladen?! Danke
  10. I have to say this bird is amazing, I flew it yesterday till 4 o`clock in the morning.. and realized I had to go to bed.. this hapend all the time a nice bird is released. Especialy by MF, that`s a fact. @Dave I thought about what you have wrote here and about the prob we had in the past. You are right with it. Not a question ;-) For me it`s something like "making the stuff unique". All my planes are modded in a way or two. It has nothing to do if it`s perfect or not. Even TMF products gets some new pilots and seats by me :-P. But it`s all for my own fun and it`s like honoring this work with the time I put into it and moding it. If I don`t like it, I don`t mod it ;-) If I Like it.. I fly it until early morning.... sleeping only 2 hours cause I had so much fun flying around and watching this bird practicing touch and goes. Only to see the gear animation.. same with the Crusaders ... Corsairs ... you know what I mean:-) But we have to open a new topic about modding, Sometimes the attitude is wrong, but sometimes it`s just like I wrote above .. making it unique and share it with the comunity. This is my motivation. I learned alot about the specific weaponcode, never noticed it before. As a summary of this threat = Damn good work on those MiG`s and I hope to see more in the right time, not even from the TMF but also the B-1B.. when the time is right comes...
  11. Mig29 Templates

    So the paintshop is open ?!
  12. have to thank you for the sliimers, added as a animation!! Damn good idea, this is a feature wich is badly needed for each plane wich uses those slimmers..
  13. F-4F Phantom II

    haha . haben halb vier und ich muss auch ins bett.. verdammt..
  14. @TripleThr3at there a three different entries for each pylon, you can delete the specific weapon entry and add SOVIET to the pylons, after this you can rework the loadout.ini and you have a nice MF MiG-29 with Krizis weapons , as an example.. But I still have a question, what is the advanteage of the three different entries for each pylon? I would use one entry for each with the current capabilitys?! Or did I overseen a feature (This is no critic just a question)
  15. You make it like every other plane only leave out the cockpit.ini and folder... all files related to the cockpit files ;-)
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sehr schöne Skins, gefällt mir. Hat einer von euch schon die mig von tmf gemodded... möchte nicht das weaponspack installieren und wenn ichdie "specific..weapons." Eintrag lösche .. habe ich teilweise 4 Waffen am pylon??? Habe mich damit noch nciht so beschäftigt..
  17. F-4F Phantom II

    Habe den Pod gesehn.. und geladen, was machst du eigentlich nicht, gute Arbeit! ...
  18. ok will do... modified my data also, so I can use normal weapons ;-)
  19. yeah will check it.. could you send me this variation?! would be nice .. I have fit in all 29s the K36.
  20. how can you attack those bears? I never see one of them on my radar screen..
  21. @ X-Ray I have those entries for the G [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0000,3.183,1.509 PilotModelName=Pilotgear4 SeatModelName=K-36D SeatPosition=0.0000,3.183,1.509 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=Canopy CanopyAnimationID=7

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