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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I haven`t saying anything befor.....
  2. This is posted in the Mods section so I expect the XB-70.. this is a teaser and a explanation what can be done with this bird.
  3. Will there be any templates or other skins?! So we could represent other TA-7`s
  4. Nice idea, but you can`t fight with mig21 some F-22,35 and b-2s..
  5. Mh strange thing, only my two outer guns are working, I think those are the 20mm, the other 4 don`t work. I put the new guns into the gundata.ini and saved it with the gun editor.
  6. Hey krizis any news on this or only pics? :-P
  7. looks so, I`m damn impressed by the cat
  8. Su-30MKK WIP

    Good work on the J-10A!
  9. Su-30MKK WIP

    Are the export pits grey colored? Don`t know how much are 100€ or chinese people
  10. The Hun Is Always In The Sun

    bad boy on tour ;-)
  11. I tried this bird 5 mins ago, damn what a nice addon, I had so much fun! Damn good idea with the sideways view! Hope to see more birds from you
  12. There must be a data missing somewhere, as I deleted the BMP of one plane it looked the same. It must be a placement of the BMP. Hope you can solve it soon, or send it over to me I can take a look at it. four eyes see more than 2, hope I can help
  13. I will send Erwin a message about the su-39, but I think I talked to him, few month ago about this issue... But damn nice bird!
  14. This is great, have expected only the F as you mentioned, to see the other versions coming, it`s great, like Xmas. Will they be released in a pack or seperatly but on one day?
  15. I was schooting in SF2 with B and D sidewinders, still same effect.. have to look for the warhead
  16. the beagle is a tough plane very hard to shoot down, same thing with AIM-9, it hits the plane but nothing happens.. is it possible?!
  17. Dear Mr President....

    dat is kän problem, haben wir wenigstens wat zu lache wenne hier allet in Dialekt schrebst
  18. Su-30MKK WIP

    About the HD crash I saw last week an external HDD with 1TB for under 100€, Thought about buying it.. it`s USB 2.0
  19. J-10A

    thanks erwin, I read on the su-30 post something about a HD crash, as I reread it I realized it wasn`t u, so tanks for this bird!!! Hope ghostrider can recover fast his data. This is a worthcase scenario...
  20. Dear Mr President....

    Ich kann damit leben, dann müllt man denen die Bude zu mit sinnlos posts, oder überschwemmt jeden post den man macht mit smileys, finde das nicht so schlimm, auf SimHQ ist die Politik noch viel schlimmer. Solange die uns hier sozusagen unbehelligt lassen ist alles ok. Können kontrollieren wie die lustig sind. Dann schwenken wir eben um auf, I wür sag eben Bayrisch o wat anderet wie Kadernbergisch... dat funzt in kenem Transenlator ;-)ccccccccccc
  21. I know there was a WW2 plane wich could land on the droptanks.. not sure wich fighter it was, the tanks were designed for a emergency "belly" landing... Nice to see this feature in this game ;-)
  22. I had a time ago a nice view list where F5 was a cam attached on the back of the plane, very cool. And a longer flyby time with zoom.. does someone has those entries for me?! Would be nice thanks
  23. view list entry

    Thank you for this entry... I couldn`t even find the mod I had a while ago

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