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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. So you could put a missile effect on it and fire it up like a real ejection seat.... just for show ;-)
  2. Sidewinders and clouds

    Wasn`t the D or C a semi radar IR missile?!
  3. Sidewinders and clouds

    Aren`t the newest seakers someting like inteligent IR cameras?! I saw in a docu the difference between those eraly seaker and later Winders. The resolution improved a lot but there was no word about clouds and IR seaker... but now it`s clear thanks to all for his information
  4. Thx dave, sorry for opening a new thread, must have missed it... great pics!
  5. МиГ-15 вот вам топик

    any news on this nice project?
  6. Sidewinders and clouds

    I know the story of a MiG-17 hit by a B and escaped with the rocket in the fuelage... Thx for the link will read it.
  7. Dear Mr President....

    Ich finds klasse gods own country beim neuschreiben der Geschichte ...
  8. Any pics of this bird.. I know always the same request but hey... we need to honor the modders and the planes!
  9. SU-24 WIP

    The MF Su-24 will not have a pit for the first release as far as I know, it will be a AI plane only for now. Maybe a pit later. So I would suggest the F-111 pit or even the panel and make it opencockit=TRUE So you would have the panel with the flight information stuff like altitute, speed and radar screen and the pit shape would be your 3D external modell... wich looks damn nice!
  10. a nice modell http://www.ffmc.de/modelle/flugi/flugi_tu1...lugi_tu128.html for those who don`t know how a fiddler looks like ;-)
  11. Sidewinders and clouds

    I read storys about B`s that locked onto the und .. and baam.... it was night... Will try it in a rainy weather.. this seems very interesting ... This game always suprise me
  12. Sidewinders and clouds

    This feauture is implemented, I always fly with a lots of flufy clouds around, looks cooler and has more atmosphere, and it makes a dogfight more interesting. But nice to see this game hase such features.
  13. Sidewinders and clouds

    that was my idea but I thought it was a prob for the earlier winders?!?!
  14. Who wants a seashadow?

    So you don`t have to pay in a port :-P driveing wherever you want
  15. SAIA 90

    excelent.. and a nice fast progress!
  16. This here is a thread for erikgens Fiddler WIP, hope he will post a few pics of his work!!!
  17. Fiddler? we need a new topic for this bird!!!!!!
  18. Fragen zur Arbeit mit 3ds max

    Ich muss mir das echt mal ansehen nur ich habe seit einer Woche schon keine Lust merh drauf, brauch nach den Klausuren eine Pause.. Aber es macht zu viel spass die Arbeit dann in einem Spiel zu sehen
  19. Fragen zur Arbeit mit 3ds max

    Dsa ist mal interessant, also das ganze ( jeweilige teil) durch lithunwrap jagen? habe das program schon länger nicht benutzt.Habe bisher alles in max gemapped und dann in diesem editor so gelegt da es funktioniert, zwar ist der Editor etwas umständlich aber bis jetzt ging das ... nur jedes teil das mit dem editor gemapped wurde bekam dann auhc sozusagen ienen eigenen speicherplatz und man konnte diese dinge nicht auf einer BMP zusammenführen. Werde ich demnächst mal probieren. Danke dir
  20. SU-24 WIP

    may I ask you, how far is it from release?! Don`t want to rush you, only asking ;-)
  21. Fragen zur Arbeit mit 3ds max

  22. Hey Looks Whose 16 today!

    Happy Birthday!
  23. FSW F/A-18 E

    oh thx.. I had never looked into the skin section ... thx
  24. SU-24 WIP

    Damn this is so a cool airplane! Pls more pics!!!

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