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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. SU-24 WIP

    veltro this is great!!!
  2. Floo is right have myself minor probs with skins wich are divided into more than 2 highres BMP`s and my PC is not the slowest. So keep up this detail level. And pls post pics.. I can`t wait until I see the skin for this babe. I know your weapponskins and the are great! Nothing to add.. just beautiful work! Need more pics!!
  3. That`s a nice info thanks to all, so green is standart modern day HUD and yellow brown for night sessions. Interesting
  4. FSW F/A-18 E

    would be good, thank you!
  5. This looks awesome, pimps the plane up!
  6. FSW F/A-18 E

    Oh you are right .. never thought about this, thank you will take a look on it.. mh may I ask where to find it.. have looked trough the download categorys but nothing.. searching further
  7. Menue flickering

    I have some probs with my Dangerous waters patched to 1004v, the menues a re flickering so badly that I even can`t choose a mission or something else. I installed a new Gfx driver but still the same prob in the unpatched version and the demo... dont know what causes this. Does someone know about this problem? My system is a dualcore, 8800GT, 4GB DDR2, 1 TB HDD SATA2
  8. Menue flickering

    It solved the prob.. sorry for the delay but this really stoped it .. thx
  9. SU-24 WIP

    3 degrees to much outwards.... joke, looks good!
  10. FSW F/A-18 E

    Have to rework the whole plane.. there ar esome minor meshprobs... I think caused by conversion from one prog to another... damn
  11. SU-24 WIP

    good work on this fencer!!!
  12. F-108!

    wasn`t a valkyre in the pipe a long time ago?!
  13. how did you do that with the decoy?
  14. Greece Prison Escape

    this man escaped for the second time with the same method ... haha great guards
  15. SU-24 WIP

    As I see on veltros pic.. his canopy is diveded.. only a animation fix ... nothing more
  16. F-108!

    What was the rapier, a interceptor? Looks like a escort for the XB-70
  17. The real plane will be ready for maks? Any sources about it. I will download both. Sometimes it happens that you have two same birds but with different ini`s, so I combine the one I like with the sutff from the other
  18. this looks great, will download it.. Hey lindr2, just a question about the hud colour. Why do have some russian birds ... eg the sukhoi family different hud colours? the one is green and the other one has a yellow brown colour.
  19. Pilot Skins

    sometimes there is npo pilotmodel entry just copy paste it from another aircraft
  20. Auszeit die 2.

    Wünsche auch baldige Genesung und das alles gut geht!
  21. me me, I asked for more... ;-) I rote in another post that poly count doesn`t matter but .. damn this looks so nice detailed! Krizis, I said it some month ago.. you really need to create planes! Not only weapons!
  22. Ye-152 help

    thx for those news I have to finish my stuff here around.. lukas is waiting..
  23. This bird realy needs to be released as beta!
  24. it wasnt a critic .. just a statement... ;-)

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