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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I see you are new here.. welcome on board!!!
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Wird da auch ne zivile version des hansajets kommen? Sonst muss ich nen haufen parts wegeditieren ... ehehehehehe
  3. F-111 upgrade

    muss gerade sagen ich komm hier zu nichts... habe so viuel arbeit um die ohren
  4. excelent plane but not easy to aim with the guns.. I will change the entry for the guns for primary and secondary.. so you have controle for the big one and the gattlings seperatly.. are there some interests ?
  5. this is a "new" J-10, the old one is still here around as beta... I think the normal two weeks!
  6. Akce 1988: Potřebuju pomoc

    Ok will upload it later this evening...
  7. F-111 upgrade

    kann man die waffenstationen dann irgendwie verstecen odre tauchen die dann in der loadout auf als flashcurtain "Waffe" "Pass auf oder ich erschlag dich mit den Vorhängen meiner Frau ...."
  8. no prob, when its ready to go, you will release it, but until then I can wait..
  9. AH-64A WIP

    The prob is that the "special FM" works in a completly different way than the normal FM and data.ini files. The Mi-8 is a mysterium for me, but hey I think some goo dFM maker will help you, this is a nice comunity and here are lots of guys around who are waiting for this bird, so I think this baby will be damn fine when it`s ready for release
  10. The sim supports this resolution but you have to go to il2 main folder and search for the config.ini.. there you can change it, and set "save resolution" to "1" as enabled
  11. was it a testbed of for what was this scheme used?!
  12. AH-64A WIP

    I have to say that I don`t understand the FM system of the mi-8, tried to reproduce it for another chopper but it was a fault
  13. AH-64A WIP

    Have you read my post about the idea of two different FMs? Like Marcs Mi-8 If you want to fly a strike or CAS mission select the AH-64 wich has the AI FM for the Wingmans.. than you select the other in the loadout menue for you. AH-64 "normal AI FM bird" AH-64 "with the human FM, export set to none and everything to rare so this bird wont appear on the battlefield as random. Marcs FM for his Mi-8 is great, don`t know if you tried it but it`s really great. I use this method for my mi-8, select the normal AI one and the one for me... and it works great. Would be great if you could integrate the FM from the mi-8 into this bird!
  14. I would say release it, yours has some nice details! Looks realy briliant!
  15. GT Legends

    I bought GTL for 9,95 over in germany will look for the GTR 2 .. damn good sounds in this game!1 And the feeling....
  16. makein AI planes flyable is not much work... only 2 ini entries have to be changed and some files copied from one plane to another.. I would suggest for the first time to use the open pit method with a panel line ... damn can`t wait!
  17. Great thanks a nice map to fly around with the saabs and gripens... Im out for bear intercepting!!!
  18. @ will there be a pit for the B-1 or can we use the 111 pit?!
  19. SAAB bankrupt

    Best solution would be to split them from GM and make them working together with Opel, wich also should be splited from GM.
  20. Bomarc WIP

    This babe is worth to be finished!!!
  21. Haha you are right, any pics.. you knwo WIP threads need pics like a baby needs his parents! We need pics! :-P
  22. Akce 1988: Potřebuju pomoc

    'Ahoj I have reworked lukasn22 pilot mod for the mig-21. Now it`s a "new" pilot and the texture doesn`t overwrite the current one from Amokflo. If you like I can upload it later and u can use it for this mod... just a suggestion ;-)
  23. Any pics? please I like this bird.. damn good work on this!

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