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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. hey looks like real what carriers are those?
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mich fasziniert das Fm der Mi-8 von Marc, es gibt ja zwei dafür ein Ai freundliches und ein Player model welches eher an einen Helicopter erinnert
  3. it`S just a nod of some of my old parts and the TARPS system is one avaible her on CA
  4. 计划中

    You are very talented!!! IF you have something to test contact me ;-) Yyou know where to find me
  5. Hey Erwin any ideas or result?! Are you remaking the MiG-23?
  6. I repainted lukas pilot skin, and edited amokflos pilotgear.LOD into a new LOD wich uses this new skin, so you don`t need to overwrite a current skin. If there is some interest I could upload it here credits goes to Amokflo for modeling and Lukasn22 for the skin it`s a Czechpilot
  7. MiG-21 MF

    I also repainted your pilot helm a bit look here
  8. Great news thx, so happy flying
  9. do oyu need a betatester?! ;-) I wount tell it to anyone else
  10. loading.wav

    the wave format doesn`t matter the quality is important you can convert mp3 oder cda files into waves with specific khz frequenz.. but don`t ask wich it was 22 or 44 don`t know
  11. MiG-21 MF

  12. CZ MFN on a Trainingflight
  13. I would say the cruise missile for the Su-27 large fuselage station.. a Kh-*** forgot the name
  14. MiG-21 MF

    Ok antennas done, I will recieve a red tga for the light so i will be transparent.. both bottom and top. I have a task for you lukas, pls search trought the mig-21**.LOD with a hex editor and try to look for those 3 antenas stabs under the nose and on the vertail. We need to delete them. I only need to work out two parts for the vertail.. Pics follow later
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Anfrage revidiert habe iene rote TGA hier
  16. It must be a fighter name not orca it sounds like a truck...
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Was mit tarn?! Vielleicht raft mich das auf und ich schaff endliche mienen TF-86K mod zuende zu bauen :-P
  18. VF-84 Jolly Rogers F-4J

    Good skin fühle mich dem irgendwie verbunden ;-)
  19. I can`t wait to test it, mh sweet hornet!
  20. MiG-21 MF

    Could you pls send me your mst updated MFN?
  21. ah ok this threat went a bit off ... ok now it`s clear :-P

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