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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. CZECH pilot

    Hey flo could you release a second renamed LOD file for this skin?!
  2. Pls take a look on the fuselage shadow, what causes this issue?
  3. My shadows are incorrect, the whole fuselage and some other parts don`t cast shadows.. maybe it has something to do with this problem.. but texture ist ok for me only the shadow stuff
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Achso.. ja ist ja kein Problem habe ja nur gefragt, werde mal Marcelo fragen. Danke dir
  5. this skin give this bird a new look ... I hope but i like it as it is.. ugly .. hehe
  6. Interesting paint sceme http://wolfsshipyard.mystarship.com/Misc/WolfsDen/Planes.htm scroll down a bit
  7. About films and productions

    Iron Eagle was for my like some kids have writen it... Topgun a great hollywood movie, Skyfighters has one of the best jetscenes in a movie. Intruder... I was addicted to this movie.
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Darf man fragen ob du ihn intern vertreiben kannst/darfst?!
  9. England shuts down

  10. I need your opinion on this here, I have your MiG-31M mod for inskyes mig, but I couldn`t delete the canopy and other parts.. I only found a way to mod Veltros MiG-31A into a M, are u interested in this mod?! Need someone who can make a nice skin, You can create some avionic suff for this bird and I think this could be a nice addition for the comunity here is a pic of a current WIP: what do you think?! Is this the right base for a M mod?!
  11. @ lindr2

    comparison shot of my veltro mod yours looks smoother ..
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Für alle MiG-31 fans die M kommt von inskye!!!
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die Su von dem sieht aus wie gutes plastikspielzeug.. liegt aber wohl an den skins..
  14. looks comparable with the su-24 fencer never saw some infos about the "H"
  15. @ lindr2

    Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr great! something to play with ;-) Will the canopy of the BM be reworked?! Good work on this one I already thought about asking you for some new 31 types... you mindreader
  16. The first thing I will put on it is the TARPS system und the .. eh ... short nose .. interesting bird that`s sure! You`ve done a good work on this!
  17. I now reworking the shape and details in the Pit are for the JJ-8II hope I can create such a nice skin work as you did. is it PS or something else. I use Paint.net and Gimp2
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mh dann macht die GMG mal ne richtige ;-) wer will wer hat Lust auf ne Su-30 maxfile?!
  19. @ lindr2

    Looks good.. any suggestions about the stuff I`ve send you?!
  20. @ lindr2

    Ok will change it thx
  21. interesting, what have you done with the ailerons and other control surfaces? Ok I think you can so far build a complete new MiG.. Good work
  22. Most people hang out here and just look on those topics and write .. "great" "cool" "need it" and stuff like that. I`m modeling myself and know how much work this beast consume. I try to learn a bit more about how to do such things.. modeling specific parts and creating layers myself. The best ideas I get when I try to sleep or on the toilette :-P
  23. Su-30MKK WIP

    You are right, but have myself an older model flying around my HDD with those curves but without canards. I like those red birds ... realy sexy

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