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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird


    It`s a interesting plane, together with russos P project plane it is a good cold war scenario fighter
  2. Su-30MKK WIP

    Are those real canards?! or the fake ones?
  3. Last night I had a nice mission, Su-30Kn were asigned to strike the Airbase in Hahn, Germany. Our flight recieved escort from Su-30 fighters. It was a nice fomation flying. As we arrived we saw some XJ7-H fighterbomber attacking the SAM and AAA positions around the field. there was no resistance, fast in, big bang boom bang and a fast out. Good work on those fighters. Together with the DS mod are those upcoming birds a blast for the whole WOE comunity, modern soviet jets, what do whant more... yes right the MiG-29 from MF :-P
  4. How can I import my key settings and gamesettings from my curent WOe to the new install, I don`t want to do this thing over and over again in every new install
  5. @ Fubar this is not funny! Any pit shots?
  6. AH-1G Cobra?

    Can you purchase this sim anywhere?
  7. F-117 E-8 E-3 Nice lights all over the airfield!
  8. I know it`s beta maybe I can wait with it until you finish this model, but be sure, I`m also in the agreement list and will credit everyone involved
  9. Desert Storm mod je vonku!

  10. Wings over Dhimar

    Die Starfigher sind klasse!
  11. Ye-152 help

    will use your skin for other versions too ;-)
  12. Skyhawks Forever....

    Razbam is working on skyhawks?! Any pics, I only found the Buckeye that`s all
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey ich glaub man kann bei der U-2A die Nase demontieren, würde dort ne Weaponstation erstellen und verschiedene Nasen als Module zur verfügung zu stellen. Jede Nase hat ja andere Systeme drinn somit kann man für jede Mission die entsprechende Ausrüstung laden.
  14. Damn they are putting so much nice details to their modells... really looking forward to new releases!

    Send out some reinforcement... better cameras and radarimagine

    should be the biggest bird aound the place ;-)

    it`s a large bomber!
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die idee mit dem licht beim hansajet wird nur von der Engine etwas gehemt.. da aus weiterer Entfernung man nicht sieht das sich was davor befindet, also leuchtet das ding permanent
  19. F-111 upgrade

    update der D "later" version mit den 2 HUDs und noch den curtain walls an den seiten
  20. F-111 upgrade

    mh danke, war abe rvorher auch nciht so.. aber wenn das das problem löst .. zack und wech mit dem Copiloten.. wer braucht den schon ...

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