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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. together with the D version from MF this one is hot!
  2. any comments?

  3. F-111 upgrade

    So Ich habe ein Problem und brauch etwas hilfe.. habe wie zuvor die Pits eingebaut ( ind ide aktuellenversionen) doch jetzt erscheinen diese im Cockpit selbst. Also das wenn man F1 drückt drinn sitzt, sehe ich nun die tiele meines externen pits.. was muss ich da machen um diese im cockpit selbst unsichtbar zu machen?! Habe schon seefromfusselage=FALSE gesetzt aber das scheint es nicht zu sein wer weis rat?
  4. Hey Veltro as you hang out here, can I mod your mig-31 into a proper M version?! and rerelease it?! Just need your ok, still some work to do
  5. @ lindr2

    I send it to you 2 days ago i think as a PM ... will send it again ;-) You have PM
  6. @ lindr2

    thanks for reply have you recieved the rapidshare link of my Mig-31M mod? I will try to fix those things.
  7. Be nice to America

    Democracy is nice bussinesssssssssssssssss
  8. The modder do what they want and not what someone needs... Dave just give us a base and we will look what we can do with it ;-) I htink you what I mean.... nothing bad
  9. @ lindr2

    Bum this... If you can`t or want to help it`s ok but just tell pls.. ;-) this thing was created by the inspiration of your M work out of inskyes MiG-31
  10. That`s cool enough, we have many skinner around this place maybe Fist of the fleet will put some fingers on this ;-)
  11. Same for me I always have to select stuff blind
  12. I want the Jolly rogers!, Swordsmen and some othernice paintings!!!
  13. This was the predecessor of the Tomcat, but as someone said, you can put so much thrust intos this bird .. it will never be So you guys are creating the TFX project?! That`s realy nice, something new.
  14. Does someone have a pic in a book or somewhere of those versions?! I only need a pic of the tail cause they had no tailguns but also no tail radome like the K or KD versions. Couldn`t find anything specific about those bird on the inet
  15. The K looks like it has another nose?! Any infos about this?
  16. I see you are using a late max version I would suggest to turn of those "boxes" in the left upper corner and this strange thing in the selected window down right. As I installed my max version it appeard and after some minutes of modeling those thing gets always in the. So I decided to deactivate them in the settings. It makes the work less stressfull and you have better layout in your program. It`s a suggestion and a personal taste but it helps me, cause you don`t need those tools
  17. MiG-21 MF

    I htink I can finish this tomorrow or sunday I hope. will have some free hours. Tu22U,UD also coming in the next week or two
  18. F-111 upgrade

    So wie ich sehe ist die D auch draußen, habe sie noch nicht laden können, aber sieht nach early ud late wieder aus. werde jetzt am We mal die ugraded HUD`s posten die D late hatte nämlich 2 recht hohe die etwas eingeschnitten waren. Ihr werde sehen ;-) werde die Tu-22U,UD fertig machen releasen dann kommen die pits drann
  19. do those edges works like the one on the f-117,raptor and 35... to make it more stealthy? Those are the most detailed baydoors I`ve ever seen in a game ;-)
  20. Russ is right, you will start projects over and over again until you find out how to model specific parts. Some work I had to start 5 times or more cause had no idea how to set those poly to have a proper shape I liked. So try and error. For the MiG-19S canopy I was fideling 2 days around to find a proper solution.
  21. Mh right the normal su-27pit could be used, so what holds this bird in the manufactory?
  22. You can use turbosmooth but this will add to much polys to the model, or select vertices and than slice tool to add some aditional vertices
  23. It was marks and doesn`t have a pit that`s all I think

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