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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-111G

    dunno maybe cause of the mission, they changed from SAC to TAC and the missionprofile changed?!
  2. F-111G

    for a better night formation flight ????
  3. F-111G

    It has some slimmer on it and as I can see the very uncommon loadout of AIM-9 sidewinders Differences between C and G are ECMs, combatradius and engines. The C versions recieved and avionics upgrade and fly by wire.
  4. F-111G

    laser target pod under the belly?
  5. Su-30MKK WIP

    pit master pit master!!!!
  6. will you release those Vark skins?!
  7. I love those small details! Good work as said before ;-)
  8. Who likes trainer?

    Missile training after lunch in the soviet union nearly finished UD
  9. This is a realy detailed work! Damn nice, how many polys does this bird have?!
  10. Su-30MKK WIP

    The real maker is inskye team, all honor goes to them, I`m just a betatester and playing around with the max file for the Su-27UB maybe KUB ;-)
  11. F-111 upgrade

    Die animation is von FC auf die animations keys gelegt .. finde ich pers. ne bessere Lösung, da man volle kontrolle über dieses feauture hat. Die warne nur offen um das interiör zu zeigen ;-)
  12. Su-30MKK WIP

    This is the first time we have a nioce red planeset...
  13. Su-30MKK WIP

    haha me too still not finished by our chinese friends!
  14. Su-30MKK WIP

    it`s not only a skin it`s a complete new Su-37!!!!!
  15. your work looks even better and better.. really good
  16. Looks realy good! If you need some help with some parts ....
  17. Где взять Су 34

    This needs a bump!
  18. MiG-21 MF

    I have all pics I need only time I need, hope you can send me a bottle :-P I will need a betatester for the F-111 pits when they are ready to go. You can find a thread in the german subforum. Nice you like my work, but I can`t promise any release date.. you know RL takes priority
  19. Ok where is the boss when we needs him :-P Interesting ignorant statements from stiglr
  20. I think the tanks are in SF2 a part of the plane itself, there is no other explenation for this. They are used as pylons are only with Dtank entries ;-) every skin has a unique tank
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Jo habe ja nur gefragt, bin auf die 25 auch schon recht gespannt! Auch wenn da kein Pit dabei ist kann man bestimmt was improvisieren.
  22. MiG-21 MF

    The files are out, will work on the small antennas tomorrow, .. hope the package you have recieved is what you wanted until now, finish product can be finished in the next time... skinning the parts is up to you
  23. Wings over Dhimar

    Hast du die source file der Jag?!
  24. A long awaited bird, I had old f-111X parts here around and put them on this bird an here is the result if someone is interested in this, I could post them here. Just some eyecandy for this bird. interesting pic found here: http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/f111indetailjr_6.htm

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