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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Here a pic of the curtains
  2. lindrs mod is from Marcfighters Su-27, Maybe we will see a Su-34 and a 27KUB :-P
  3. I was thinkink myself about this mod, I have started it but haven`t finished it, all I can suggest is to delete the IRST and canopy via ini edits and enlarge your 3D work up to a new canopy and IRST. This will add a damn nice look to this mod. The canopy is not the best so I know you can create a nicer one with your skills. Maybe you can put some details on the front windshild, similar like in lomac?! This mod looks realy promissing
  4. WIP Strutter

    I would say nice talent ;-)
  5. Su-30MKK WIP

    I put the 35BM camo with a little rework onto a Su-37, my sukhoi family grows
  6. in the first post there is link where all vark pits are represented I used it as reference
  7. Want it!!! You did a great job on this and sorry I couldn`t help you with the mask
  8. flash curtain for the FB-111 and don`t ask why this plane flys with open pit ;-) cause of fresh air.
  9. Su-30MKK WIP

    this is a Su invasion!
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey Soulfreak hättest du fun an den x-29 skins?! oder so garnicht, glaub du bist da der bessere für als ich :-) nur wenn du Lust und Laune hast. finde die passen irgendwie besser zu dem Vogel als der graue :-P
  11. For me it`s solved, I have fun to create some small details you can see on the second look, its an "Aha effect!" a small suprise and you can see this a small contribution to this Bird ;-) Will search this evening for those blast curtains.. how they look and were build in
  12. Thanks for some positiv comments on this, work continues
  13. Su-30KN

    Thanks erwin, it looks great have to test it this evening, can`t wait shooting some birds down!
  14. Wings over Dhimar

    Noch besser, Ich versuche mich gerade mit GIMP2 anzufreunden und pinsel etwas an nem Mig-31M skin rumm
  15. MiG-31M

    Yeah I liek your work, I can post later some pics of the skin .. it`s not changed the big way but it works for me, still working on it. You have done a good work on this baby, could you maybe tease our chinese friend to develop a nice M version for us?! I don`t think it`s such a hard work and you have good connection to them. Do you have anything for a Tu-95 RT?! or a Tu-22U/UD I`m finishing those birds, I want to have those trainers combatcapable
  16. I saw a HUD update in the new readme... nice to see they were thinking about it. Will take a look on this. I ever thought we all work together... but sometimes it seems like a wrong turn. I will work further on this and yes I like this statement... if you don`t like it don`t download it, and even if only a few people enjoy this bird with those parts it was worth the work and trouble I recieved here around. It`s a mod for us all. It`s not perfect but it works!!!
  17. it will not be "termal" sight just grey :-)
  18. Wings over Dhimar

    Na das klingt doch mal super .. ich kenn noch die Zeiten wo die aus ner f-4 ne f-110 gemodded haben die Wraith, und jetzt versuchen wir aus allem nen 2 sitzer zu machen.. so ändern isch die Zeiten...
  19. Wings over Dhimar

    Wie willst du das anstellen?! hast du die Max file??? Oder willst du das via piloten methode machen?! Glaub mit der Maxfile wäre es einfacher. Habt nen super Job bei der RF-84 geleistet!. T-2 is das nicht der doppelsitzer oder habe ich da gerade den falschen Vogel im Kopf???
  20. I think it depends on the "filter" for those systems you can find on some birds a "grey filter" in the avionics.ini can take a look later at home.

    nice landing gear!
  22. MiG-31M

    Do you have those EMS pods on the loadout BMP of the M?! Or should I create them?! they looks cool. The M version is a beast! I shoot nearly every US bird down with those improved Amos missikes. Its fast, great radar and strong armament, very nice job on this only sad thing is, there are no canopy parts wich could be changed. I repainted the skin a bit to match the one in your pic with the grey nose ;-P
  23. Yup via pilot method, will create for the D version the special HUD glasses and the blast curtains for the FB-111A. So each bird will have a more unique looks ;-)
  24. FC included this animation into this model via animation keys .. standart is shift 1-0 for the canopy it is shift 1 I think

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