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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. So I say sorry for my nitpicking, as mentioned before it`s an outstanding model and I was wainting a long time for this,I`m very happy with the result. I think it was a missunderstanding.... best regards Martin
  2. MiG-31M

    Testing right now!
  3. Great details on this !! Good Work!
  4. Is someone working on this skin?!
  5. X-29 skin?

    thanx for this work have to look on this whe nI have a free minute
  6. Mh was my question about the f-5 status deleted?! How is this bird going?!
  7. Where to download this nice grey skin?! can`t find it in the DL section
  8. X-29 skin?

    This looks promissing thank you.. this bird and the x-29 version is great, loved the skin in ATF and the videos about it ...
  9. Wings over Dhimar

    Verdammt wo sind die mods die sowas approven sollen!!! verdammt
  10. Su-35

    I like those new pits!
  11. Su-35

    You guys do a great job on this really !!!!
  12. maybe not vetail but rudder as attachment point .. just an idea?!
  13. Wings over Dhimar

    Was ich mal fragen wollte ,da du ja immer diese tollen Piloten ausspuckst, hast du zufällig einen älteren Piloten der soviets im Petto?! So einen mit einer schön ganzgesichtsvisier?! Wäre gut, glaub da muss man nicht viel machen einfach den entspürechenden Helm auf diese Figur setzen. Was den jetzigen Vogel angeht, habee ich schon direkt Lust mich ins Pit zu setzen! Sieht echt klasse aus das ding! Be4sonders die Scheibenwischer gefallen mir.
  14. Some things are to intuitif to be solved quickly .... why to use the simple way?!
  15. Sopunds realy good, lets see what will come F-111 family Su-27/30 family new DS stuff F-5B/ T-38 stuff Superbug F-35 versions Tu-22 subversions and some other birds.. dman where can I find the free time to fly them all.. realy need a clone...
  16. Hey are those the birds redone by FC?! Looks nice good work on those birds!
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich wusel auch immer 2 mal im JAhrim Dowloadbereich rumm manchmal bekommt man was nicht mit und schwubs endeckt man kleine perlen!
  18. Su-30MKK WIP

    The bird I have posted is a Su-27UB not a 30 ;-) more versions will be released by Inskyeteam. I wanted to make this version, it will have the avionics of lindr2. So you can expect a nice bird to fly and train your pilots!
  19. X-29 skin?

    Haha scherzkeks ich bekomm den kram mit den Layern nicht mal hin, Aufgrund von lack of time ;-)
  20. TEST

    E-3 Awacs E-8 JSTARS and I was thinkink about the E-6 not the E-8 sorry Dave
  21. Ye-152 help

    Here is a "plan" maybe it helps you painting the panellines
  22. Su-30MKK WIP

    take a look on the vertails and the IRST... this will be a Su-27UB I will remap the whole plane or maybe only the needed parts so you can interchange some skins
  23. TEST

    The E-8 is still not presented in this series .. I think I will mod one of DS 707s if it`s allowed

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