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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. What sims do you play?

    IL2 1946 IL2 BOS/BOM/BOK Warthunder SF2
  2. Jug Has Passed Away

  3. The plane itself was taken years ago from somewhere else, so it is not allowed to post the file itself here on CA, if you create a mod for it or a skin, go ahead but you are not allowed to upload the plane and publish it. The plane itself is nice, not perfect but nice, so enjoy what you have ;)
  4. Ich weiß von nichts, mein Name ist Hase
  5. You want just the LOD or the whole plane?
  6. Mil Mi-24W

    Cool Since you have access to the max file, will you add the fast moving rotors like yakarovs helos?
  7. @ SidDogg, you can always ask here in the Forum if you Need help with something ;)
  8. Wouldnt`t say the Project died, as the year was at its end, many stuff slowed down, like our Projects too. Lets see what they will come up with ;)
  9. Maybe they moved to a new engine, that would be great, so it would open whole new possibilities. SF3 maybe?
  10. Terror attack in Berlin

    Similar attack like in France, the fuckhead attacked the Xmas marketplace next to the "Gedächtniskirche" (Church) In Berlin with a 40 tons Truck. 9 dead and many injured https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article160453857/9-Tote-in-Berlin-Was-wir-wissen-was-wir-nicht-wissen.html
  11. Terror attack in Berlin

    Every Terrorist who "lost" his documents during his attack .... was killed during the "try" to get him or was killed later in jail by being hanged by himself/helpers coincidence? So you have a terrorist to present on public, and a reason to change the laws ... bammm
  12. Terror attack in Berlin

    I like Number 4, but just for fun. Silly idea, but i would not block anything, better to be attacked by cars and trucks ... (always Keep an eye open) than block the road and get attacked by suicide bombs. Ist like the cash Transporter, they were uparmored in the past, until they were attacked by RPG`s, so the protection was reduced for the whole truck, just the Crew compartment stayed armorder enough. My 2 cents
  13. Terror attack in Berlin

    I have the same opinion my friend
  14. Terror attack in Berlin

    Its just Business for the politics.... those Akbar guys should target the heads of the states ... not the normal people
  15. Terror attack in Berlin

    We have the attack on the russian ambassador in Turkey, the Shooting in a mosque in Austria and this attack in Germany at the same day. And the way this was done is far behind possibility this truck attack offered. The truck ended back on the street, but it could drive straight through the market with out an "heavy obstacles" Sorry to say, but that doesnt make sense to me. If someone wants to make a Terror attack, so he wants to kill as much as possible and as effective as possible.
  16. Sukhois

    Hallo guys, it was a bit quiet the last months and weeks around this Project. Many of us worked silently on it and we have tried out some nice ideas and improvements for our models. What i can say, that some realy nice planes and variants are getting ready to be released 2017. Some you already know and some others. We have managed to achieve a nice level of details for our projects and we have not forgot to release them. Logan, agreed to help us out to build a pit for the first Fitter release candidate(s), for the other planes we luckily already have the pits, so stay tuned for them. Our WIP lists are long, but the workload is steady on the one or the other end of the projects. I felt like i have to post this statement here, so you dont get the idea its all vapourware and we just tease you with pics. We wish you all some nice holidays and a happy new year! So far i can judge it, the new year will be filled with many new planes, we have created a solid base for it! Best regards The Sukhoi Team
  17. Sometimes you can Change the path in the Options.ini If you can`t solve your Problem, post it here http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/forumdisplay.php?f=98
  18. If you can afford it, go with the current OLED TV Screens, they can achieve a 4K Resolution and are capable of around 1000Hz. But you will never find a Hz Designation on them, it is a calculated data in comparison with LCD Screens. Try to find a TV with Dolby Vision, it currently costs you around 2100€ But they are so damn sharp and fast! Im working currently for LG and they have a range of 55" - 85" but the Signature Line is far to expensive, from 7000€ - 120.000€, their Lover Price range is at 2000€ as i wrote. Maybe a choice for your new TV Screen. It delivers the best possible Picture in comparison with the other TV`s
  19. Developer Diary No 140 its on page 4, you can find a link down here 140 Hello Everybody, My name is Roman and I'm one of the Aerodynamics/Software Engineers for the IL-2 Sturmovik project. I create aircraft flight models together with my colleagues. I worked on the Yak-1b series 127 which was just released and now I work on the Bf-109 G-4, but I'd like to tell you about our plans in the medium term regarding the Fw-190. We'll begin working on the Fw-190 A-5 relatively soon, at the end of winter, and when we do that we’ll have a chance to also correct the existing Fw-190 A-3 flight model, taking all the data we have recently acquired into account. The aircraft we recreate in our sim flew more than 70 years ago and this is a long time. Aviation historians have written many books on this aircraft in general. However, many original documents were either lost or there is no way to access them in government archives where they are kept. That's why such documents are interesting for us and sometimes are found only after the work on a plane in question is already finished. Such documents are needed to correct flight model after release and sometimes when we use data from those documents they introduce significant changes. When we were working on Fw-190 A-3 we didn't have data that could allow us to pinpoint its stall speed and maximum lift coefficient, two directly linked values. We didn't have its wind tunnel data and the maximum lift coefficient calculated from the wing profile somewhat differs from its value on the real aircraft. Also, its stall speed wasn't clearly given in the reports we had. For example, the flight manual mentioned the landing speed with flaps and a rough estimate of its landing speed increase without flaps, but these values can give only an approximate stall speed. The stall speed was mentioned in the British report on captured aircraft flight tests - but the mass of the aircraft, an important parameter for calculating the maximum lift coefficient using the stall speed, was omitted from that report. Last year some new data appeared on the Internet - excerpts from the Fw-190 Chalai-Meudon wind tunnel data report. We used this data directly and reduced the maximum lift coefficient to 1.17 as it was given in this report. This turned out to be a mistake as some people on our forums suggested. The mistake was verified by the full report, kindly submitted by the community member II/JG17_ SchwarzeDreizehn. The summary graphs of this report did not take into account the flow disturbances and the relatively low flow speed in the tunnel, which lowered the maximum lift coefficient results. At the moment, we continue to analyze the data we have in hand. Our estimate of the Fw-190 maximum lift coefficient is now 1.3-1.4. Increasing the maximum lift coefficient will also increase the maximum angle of attack. Pitch range of the flight stick till stall will be widened, making the aircraft easier to handle. The Fw-190 had an unusual wing warp as proven by documents which were found thanks to the community’s help, however, these documents have slight discrepancies. Changing this warp will result in different stall behavior, it's likely to become 'softer', but only after flying the corrected plane in the game can this be tested. The main performance characteristics - speed and climb rate - should remain the same. We would like to thank all the people who helped us in the search for additional documents. II/JG17_SchwarzeDreizehn, JtD, II/JG11ATLAN, JG13_opcode and all others who kept the discussion polite and constructive - it's a pleasure to communicate with you and recreate the aviation history in our sim together! To finish the today's Dev Diary, we'll show you the corrected and newly added Fw-190 A-3 skins made by paintjob devotee I./ZG1_Panzerbar who we continue to work with: To see the Pics, click on the link below http://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-4 They have Sale ongoing right now, if you purchase the game from their site, you will not pay STEAM for anyhting and all the money goes to the Devs!
  20. News 141 Those are great news for the 2017 Pics can be found here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-4?do=findComment&comment=417432 Hello Everybody, Last week was an important one for the project - it was the first week of the new beta version test that includes all the major optimizations tied to the DirectX 11 transition. Our expectations turned out to be true: while FPS in simple scenes (i.e. you're flying alone and there are no other objects around) hasn't changed much, FPS in complex scenes, which were the most problematic from the performance point of view, increased by 2 - 2.5 times. Such complex scenes include dogfights with many planes, taxiing and taking off from crowded airfields with many aircraft and other objects in the scene. This news is really good for us, because now we're confident that the huge resources and effort spent for implementing the newer version of DirectX has paid off in full and brought good results. As Jason said in the TeamSpeak event, we are hopeful the increased performance can allow us to also further improve the visuals over time without a large impact on performance. Now we are finishing the implementation with the help of our beta testers who confirm the results we're seeing. Next, we plan to spend 1-2 months creating new technologies required for the Kuban map - 3D sea, mountain slopes and other features tied to its landscape. After this, but before the end of winter, we plan to release the update with better VR support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. This week we also opened pre-orders for our first scripted historical campaign called Ten Days of Autumn. This campaign brings the classic gameplay valued by genre veterans – a historical campaign made of scripted scenarios. The significant improvement from a similar mode presented in our earlier Rise of Flight is that anyone familiar with Mission Editor can create and distribute Campaigns and it will include the ability to use media such as images and videos to tell the story. If anyone wants to create a Campaign and distribute it freely, he or she can do this without our assistance. However, if you have the talent to create a really good, complex and engaging campaign then you can earn money from selling it using the same protection system we use for official campaigns. Our first official scripted campaign Ten Days of Autumn is made by the famous Alexander =BlackSix= Timoshkov, who made similar campaigns that were distributed via discs for IL-2: 1946. Ten Days of Autumn tells the story of a German pilot from 3./JG 52 squadron during the Battle of Moscow and consists of 15 historical scenarios flown with the Bf-109 F-2. The first new plane from Battle of Kuban, the Bf-109 G-4, is almost ready for release. It is also in beta-testing at the moment. We're also finishing the Ju-52 3mg4e as well. The special technologies required for it are being finalized. The air-dropped supply containers are ready. We're creating three additional mission types for the current Campaign mode that will be available to Ju-52 owners - special squad parachute drop behind enemy lines, cargo container air-drop and cargo delivery to an airfield. There is a popular question in the community about whether it would be possible to remove the defense turret from the plane or not? The answer is yes, it is possible to get a civilian Ju-52 by removing the turret modification. Developing Ju-52 required us to improve the special mission object Translator Complex Trigger. It is now fully functional and opens up new possibilities for mission designers. It can track new events like cargo unloading at an airfield and squad or cargo air-drops. This allows for more interesting multiplayer missions. For example, capture of an airfield may be scripted when enough paratroopers are dropped near it. Or a mission designer can unlock new loadouts for aircraft at an airfield after successful cargo delivery by Ju-52’s or activate AAA batteries or mechanized columns after successful cargo drops in their areas (like vital supplies were delivered). Because of these additions, old track recordings will stop working and to load user made missions you need to delete their binary files (*.msnbin) and re-save them in the new Mission Editor. If you used the Complex Trigger in your missions, you'll also need to replace all CheckEntities entries with CheckPlanes in the .mission file. The Ju-52 3mg4e turned out to be an interesting plane. Its design represents the transitional period between the wars (1920-1930’s) where new designs and increasing technology led to experimentation with some odd results. For instance, the main landing gear wheel brakes are engaged by moving left or right engine throttles back behind low throttle limiters. So, to brake the left wheel you'll need to move the left engine throttle all the way back. Moving the central engine throttle all the way back will engage brakes for both wheels. The plane is also equipped with a tail wheel parking brake. The second interesting feature of this aircraft is that the flaps are operated using the same handle as the adjustable stabilizer. However, it is possible to unlink these controls and adjust the stabilizer without touching the flaps. There is a stabilizer control flywheel in the pilot’s cabin that is always linked mechanically to the stabilizer and the additional flaps link handle that connects the flaps to the same flywheel. Therefore, pilot can either use this flywheel to control only the stabilizer or the stabilizer and the flaps simultaneously. Before taking off, the pilot sets the stabilizer to flight position, engages the link and then moves the flaps to take-off position, simultaneously setting the stabilizer to take-off position as well. When airborne, pilot retracts the flaps, unlinks these controls and adjusts the stabilizer only, finding a balanced position to minimize the control column force. Before landing, the pilot engages the link again and sets both the flaps and the stabilizer to the landing position. It is important to note that it is possible to render the system inoperable by deviating from this order so it won't be able to control either the stabilizer or the flaps. For example, if pilot the pitches the stabilizer all the way up with flaps retracted and then engages the link, the flywheel will be blocked because the fully turned down stabilizer and fully retracted flaps won't allow it to turn either way. The third interesting feature is an unusual manual oil temperature control that works differently than in later aircraft, where the pilot controls the oil radiator shutters hence adjusting the cooling effect of the rushing air. On the Ju-52, the airflow in the oil radiator can't be controlled. The oil temperature is controlled by turning a valve that regulates the ratio between oil going through the radiator and oil that goes through a bypass pipe. This is somewhat similar to water heat regulation designs in modern car engines, but the ratio on the Ju-52 is controlled manually, not automatically. The fourth interesting feature is the cute, but archaic looking design of some of its instruments and controls. Some examples being the engine cowl shutters and oil valves that look like handles for water faucets and the mechanical fuel and oil float level gauges that also look out of place in “high-tech” WWII. By the way, don't miss out on the 25% Off pre-order special for the Ju-52 which expires upon release! The pre-order offer also includes a special skin. If you are interested in purchasing it don't hold until last minute or you may miss out! We hope that this unique workhorse of WWII will reward you with hours of fun while you learn its peculiarities flying new and challenging mission types.
  21. This is the official screenshot section of this realy damn good looking and nice feeling game Some pics from the new Il2 Game, all are personal Screenshots from my PC, without any retouch, thats ingame grafics
  22. Not edited, pure ingame picture

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