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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Uh you have dust?! where? how? who? good job on this!
  2. HMS Hermes

    would be fun to play catch me if you can :-P
  3. Who likes trainer?

    It will use the same pit like my KD version and I can make it stearable from the upper position. could be intersting but you will have still the top of the fuselage in your stomage as instructor..
  4. Veltro have you adressed the holes in the enginebays as described a few posts above, don`t know why you are not answering I`m not a rivet counter only try to help you to find some small bugs ???!
  5. Wings over Dhimar

    IUch habe mir schon lange ienen Learjet änlchen Flieger gewünscht wollte den dann mit Waffen pimpem ... verdammt gute Arbeit, freu mich auf die scheibenwischer ;-)
  6. looks good could you post a pic of the nose section of this Kc?! good work!
  7. Red Pilot

    Nice to see some good pilot models for our red birds!
  8. Su-30MKK WIP

    Most beautiful Su vid I`ve ever seen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-dKwRe0Ecw...ature=rec-HM-r2
  9. those golden windows looks good,like the original
  10. Wings over Dhimar

    Die idee gefällt mir schon ganz gut, sollen wir gleich ne gnaze campagne draus machen oder einfach erstmal mods sammeln und machen?"
  11. Max file und UV map transfer

    Wenn mir jemand eine max file schickt was brauch ich noch wenn ich die texturen habe aber irgendwie diese grünen linien des UVM nicht mehr da sind. Die texturen brauchen dann wohl das exakte verzeichnis wie der ersteller der Max file glaub ich aber ist das maping immer noch enthalten?!
  12. Max file und UV map transfer

    Werde den brüdern das mal unterbreiten vielleicht finden die das ja interessant?
  13. have u updated your Bear? Would be good for people who download it later :-)
  14. Max file und UV map transfer

    Ich bekomme die gemappte Su-30 max file und ich möchte die hauben strebe verändern um eine Su-27UB zu simulieren. Avionic daten sind schon fertig, cockpit auch schon fast fertig. Hoffe das alle gut klappt und wir könnten eine Su-27UB in den nächsten wirklichen 2 Wochen haben. Hast du vllt die pit file für marcs su-27 dachte da an diese switch funktion wie in der Mirage 2000.. wäre ein nettes gimick
  15. I`m working on a mod for a Tu-22RDM but there were two versions of this bird, the one has 2 large "box" side radars and the other one only smaller "sensor" like parts, are there any designation differences?!
  16. Su-30MKK WIP

    Ok Su-27UB has green light will get a proper 3D modell originaly made by inskye group, changed some small things by me and avionics from lindr2. What do you say?! I think thank erwin and team ;-)
  17. Su-30MKK WIP

    I think if I recieve the ok from erwin and team I could release it. lindr 2 has done a great job on the ub avionics I repaint the pit and think it could be ready in a few weeks
  18. Hey veltro you did a great job only found two small holes, same thing on the A modell I think it`s easy to fix inner engine naceles right side on the exhaust.
  19. mh ok mine is finished only needs to delet some antenas :-) Could you do something about the nose section of tha A model it doesn`t fit the fuselage right?!
  20. Works fine for buy next time a better PC :-P good work on this bird!
  21. Hey Veltro is it ok when I create a RT mod out of your bear A?! Or are you planing to create this bird yourself?!
  22. @FC the idea was to make this "ball" invisible and as a part of the model itself. And use this ball as a second fuselage. But as you wrote it seems to be impossible to have this feature in this series now

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