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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. New Aircraft

    where are you from?! Sound folder could be find in the main WOI folder, weapons folder have to be created and the weapondata.ini have to be extracted from object.cat file extractor should be here over in the download section ;-)
  2. I think I`ve got the point
  3. Thanks you are right Tu-95RT Bear D
  4. Maybe FC knows the answer or the inskye team find a solution
  5. Maybe RC version from the russian alphabet PU???
  6. I don`t know what versio is this here looks like it could be made out of the "A"
  7. HMS Hermes

    Wow with a deck crew !! nice one!
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    wow, doch schon so lange her?! man man, glaube da schlummern einige modelle so auf unseren Festplatten ;-)
  9. This is from the old Su-47 model wich will not be released, our chinese friends work on another new model
  10. No the engine is linked to the "invisible box in the middle of the exhaust nozzles, wich is a part of the LODand the movement is linked to the rudder and elevators. It`s possible cause the Su-47 use this animation type for it`s exhausts but the engine is still linked to the fuselage but if you have a movable invisible object in the exhaust and a linket engine entry on it I think this could work. I`m not a ini guru but it wa only a idea.
  11. I think it`s the same thing like on the harriers, I hope FC will take a look on this idea?! And hope he don`t call it complete BS ;-)
  12. It`s like my MX-5 only a bit more powerfull!
  13. Cool nice to see this bird is ready to be flown to the US....
  14. I was thinking about this prob this day, I know it was until now not possible to solve this prob. As I understand it right you can move "engines" via VTOL keys right?! So the engine direction is movable!!!! My idea is to create via fake pilot method (complete invisible object) worked into the planes LOD! Not like a pilot but as a part of the plane itself. Maybe name it Fuselage2 or something like this. Place this "box" in the engines exhaust and link it with the rudder and elevator animation. The pivot should be in the middle of the box and wich is a "part" or a "system" of the plane. When you animate the nozzle to, link the exhaus emitter to this "box" it could move around in the direction the "fake box" shows/moves?!
  15. Nope any release date?! something like March or April?!
  16. comandos llama

    I want to drop llama bomb out of my bear
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Oh nachwuchs?! Dann mal Gratulation aber wenn die pits bei flo in arbeit sind .. dann ist ja alles gut ;-) Ne preview vielleicht?!
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sieht super aus, danke für das Update, habe auch mit Dave über Marcs arbeit gesprochen, er sagte mir das ales soweit fertig sei bis auf das Pit und irgendwie ist Marc auch nicht mehr so aktiv wie früher. Glaube er hatte gesundheitliche Probleme ?! Glaube dsa Pit müsste jemand anders machen werde versuchen den Krizis dafür zu gewinnen ;-)
  19. Pony

    I thin this baby is interesting for those who like korean theater operations ;-)
  20. No RHAW Warning....

    I do it the same way like macelena.. I have to press a few more keys than normal but ECM on and chaffs and flares is ok...
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Habe mit Fubar etwas getextet und wollte mal nachfragen wie das ganze mit der MiG-29 aussieht, er meinte nur das nur noch einige kleinere Sachen gefixt werden müssen und der Vogel eigentlich fertig sei und zum release bereit. Glaub aber das es wieder die üblichen 2 weeks werden. Arbeitet da vllt jemand von euch mit?! Vllt Soulfreak mit nem skin?! Wie gehts der Su-25 eigentlich?! Ist dort etwas bestimmtes geplant oder hackt es am Skin/mapping?! Möchte keinen hetzen einfach nur Inofs haben das alles .. ansonsten guten Flug jungs!
  22. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    as usual 2 weeks ;-)
  23. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Ok I talked to fubar yesterday and he said to me that the main stuff is done and the plane is finished and it needs only some small stuff to be sorted out, don`t ask what or how bur the bird could be released in the near future. :-)

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