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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Su-30MKK WIP

    Wow very good news!! And a good looking model!
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Stehe da gerade selbst im Klausurenstress müssten wir dann mal verschieben, ich mach den skin fertig und schick ihn dir dann mal dann kannst den mal retouchen und gut ist fürs erste. triplethr3at hat an den ini daten der NB gearbeitet und sagt die sind fertig also brauchen wir nur noch den skin, was das Pit angeht dachte ich eher an ein kleines repaint ode rist da mehr Arbeit von nöten?! Habe was pits angeht nie damit gearbeitet. Denke aber wenn du mir das Pit schickst mit den BMP`s dann kann ich mir das mal ansehen.
  3. Su-30MKK WIP

    So I thnk we will make out of the Su-30MKK a Su-30 and a Su-27UP to have a Su-27UB you need to overpaint then later the refuel probe wich is only painted on the skin. Pit is nearly repainted for the Su-27 mods as you can see in earlier posts, erwin hope to get your permission for those mods ;-)
  4. Externe Teile bewegen

    Wollte mal fragen ob das möglich ist, wollte das IRST der Su-30MKK von der rechten Seite in die Mitte bewegen damit man eine frühe Su-30/27Ub simulieren kann. Dachte mir es geht so: Component[xxx]=irst [Move8] Type=irst NodeName=fuselage MovementType=POSITION_Z Set[01].Position=-0.0075 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-0.0075 Set[02].Value=1.0 So als Bsp, habe davon kein ahnung deshalb frage ich hier mal nach. habe es noch nicht probiert. Bin ich da wenigstens auf der richtigen Spuhr?! hier der mögliche Download, ist auf 10x limitiert http://rapidshare.com/files/182976487/Su-30.zip.html
  5. 计划中

    Rafale looks sweet ;-)
  6. Su-30MKK WIP

    What variants are you planing to create?! Is my list right?! Su-27 Su-27SM Su-27SK Su-30 (my mod of MKK with grey Su-27 pit) Su-30MKK Su-33 maybe later Su-35 Su-47 WIP Su-37
  7. Su-30MKK WIP

    This one is nice TVC?!
  8. really cool pics any pics of the F-111?! Love them all stuff I have seen of the "new" birds is impressive! thanks to FC on this. I think you guys will work on this and develop it to the 2 gulf war? Best regards Martin
  9. Su-30MKK WIP

    Su-30 Mod is out for you Erwin take a look on this hope it was the right folder I send you :-P
  10. Su-30MKK WIP

    I think you talk about my Su-35 mod??? I had never the new pit and the bird lies dead on my disk. At this point of development I had not the skills I have today, still not the best but usefull ;-) I stoped the work on it completly in the hope inskye have one in their magicbox?!
  11. FAIL pics(many pics)

    some pics are priceless!!!
  12. Su-30MKK WIP

    Maybe but I wanted to fly one ;-) So I did one .... thx for your work guys it`s a personal mod
  13. Externe Teile bewegen

    Hat mal nicht FC damals den Sensor and der Su-27 nach rechts verschoben?!
  14. Su-30MKK WIP

    So I did a small repaint on the pit I`m not the great pitpainter but this will do the work
  15. Su-30MKK WIP

    Here the differences on the vertail found here I think this could be interesting for inskygroup http://www.flankers-site.co.uk/modl_su-30mkm.html
  16. Su-30MKK WIP

    I found this I know the colours are not right in this pic, but I decided to use this pit here on my Su-30 Mod :-P
  17. FW-189 WIP

    Shoot them down alot in Il2 a tough plane but some bullets in the middle and it goes down instantly Good work veltro!
  18. Juhu so I we can expect it soon?!
  19. Hope the best, I was rescaling the J-8II from inskye t ocreate the JJ-8II I had to move the front gear. there was no prob only moved the animation axe too and it worked good.
  20. Su-30MKK WIP

    Su-37 terminator right?!
  21. Mh ... You lost a wing ... or two
  22. good news! Thank you X-ray for your skinning skills!
  23. Ye-152 help

    Öh nothing special for the first time would be good to have a the current skin with a higher resolution and better painted than the current one. I you want to do anything else fell free. I will upload a Canard version 2 seater and a PF version with current Mig-21 PF pit, will change the canopy nd add some new wingtips to it
  24. This is great and it`s freeware?! Veltro has done it right?! Damn I love his first Tu-95 release!! Have to thank him for this bird!!!

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