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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Wasn`t Serverandenforcer working on one for DS?!
  2. Su-30MKK WIP

    we have now Su-27 Su-27SM Su-27SK Su-30 (my mod of MKK with grey Su-27 pit) Su-30MKK Su-33 maybe later Su-35 Su-47 WIP RESPECT!!!
  3. Hola A TODOS !

    Foxmonter strikes again!
  4. Ye-152 MOD

    Thank you will take a look on it .. bad news the stargetic pit doesn`t work As I was thinking...
  5. Look here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6182 and here: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm there is a Su-27 with pit more pits by inskye comming
  6. IAI Lavi

    MAybe you could send this 3d Max file to amook floh?! he is very good in this stuff but don`t kniow how busy he is
  7. Su-30MKK WIP

    Are you planing to create the whole Su-27 family?! Good idea and good work!!! Thans Inskye team
  8. This animation stuff is possible, look ad radar tower, you can even make vehicles drivving around the airfield.
  9. IAI Lavi

    He ask for help, but answers need some time ;-)
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Zum Glück liest das hier nicht meine Freundin... man man Bin echt mal gespannt auf dieses feature
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mh Schlauch, Stuzen... ist doch egal :-P Glaub aber nicht da der Pott als "Waffe" aufgehängt ist. Man könnte dies eve in das 3D modell einbauen, dann hättest zugriff auf dieanimation. Soweit ist mir das bekannt aber vllt hat amok floo da was anderes rasugefunden.
  12. Su-30MKK WIP

    Wow not bad!!!! Really like your work ;-)
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Der Stutzen ist auf Shift 9 : [Refuel] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_9 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=3.5 AnimationID=9
  14. Ye-152 MOD

    Needs some ini tweak and some minor skin work
  15. Sob, Sob, Sob

    CH products are great but If you are in the 2 years of garanty Saitek will change your stick without probs I send a while ago my broken X45 and I get the X52 for free!
  16. Mirage 2000TH

    I would say "FMDoor" regarding to the OUT file
  17. Su-30MKK WIP

    That are good news lets talk about the Mirage in the right topic ;-) I will send the skin to floo this week he will finish the decals and retouch the skin and we will have a new Mirage 2000B
  18. Su-30MKK WIP

    I repainted the current version and created a stock su-30 interceptor, we need a bird against theupcoming B-1B ;-)
  19. Su-39 Feedback

    It`s a really good model and a outstanding skin! only FM needs to be tweaked I think lindr2 will do it someday.... a really busy person
  20. TheSlimmers are a part of the 3D modell?! how can I create them?!

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