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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. New User

    You can set it in the settings "gameplay" i think.. Welcome aboard!
  2. Decal help

    Damn this is so ugly... pls finish this brick!!!!
  3. "look what I have and you don't" here inEU we have 00:31 so I can post another pic

    nice beauty
  5. I know its sci if but why not stretch the fuselage abit, like the anlarged wing, with this you can eliminate those "too" long gears and you don`t need so much space for this strange "pack" under this bird Make it more aerodynamical!
  6. Decal help

    There are 3 planes in the pic lightning german stealth and the 3rd?
  7. No prab have to ask my self as I uploaded my fisrt mod ;-)
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey floh mir wurde dieser link geschickt .. da ich noch kleinigkeiten an der 2000B verändere, du hast das pit der D gemacht, wollte fragen ob das herumschieben der instrumente ein problem mit den ini`s darstellt oder nicht. Das Ding hat ja uch nen grauen Ton, D glaub ich war etwas blauer gehalten. Ich frage nur b du daran interesse hättest?! Da das Grundmodell ja eigentlich besteht ;-) http://www.aviation-fr.info/avion/cockpit2000B.php
  9. I just asked for what it was good for ... ;-) I sa w a vid where a Hornet droped a tank and it was ... how to explain it.. this tank ripped the hornets left wing off the fuselage
  10. Ye-152 MOD

    Mh that`S true ...we will see.. Is someone out there who can help remake the skin?! It`s a bit wrong placed on this modell.
  11. Ye-152 MOD

    I can make the PF canopy for the production bird with other engine ... But now I need a MiG designation... Will try the Stargetic F-104 panel this evening.. hope it will work :-P
  12. You can manage your uploaded files and can update them without uploading new one ;-)
  13. Mirage 2000TH

    You mean this, I finished the skin only need decals.. its an older pic
  14. This will be a nice Low level intruder!!!
  15. I would suggest to use this bird as reference and build your own ;-) so you can learn how to build it
  16. Su-30MKK WIP

    Maybe a silly question have you ever thought about the KUB version?
  17. simply delete the LOD of a Herc and you have a stealthy transport plane.
  18. This is really looking good, 2009 is da plane year!!! Why are the pylons angled like this, i know it`s in RL the same, but is it aerodynamicly more efficient?! streaming air?!
  19. Ye-152 MOD

    No prob still working on this.... will map it next week and learn something about fm
  20. Looks good! Small question have you adressed the hole in the Su-39 pit between Hud and MFD on the desk?" You can look trough it on the ground?!

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