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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I think here are some people around wich knows alot more than me or the inet findings I have. We have a 2000D and N I m painting it in the blue "white" colour, Floo and me was thinking about a B version with this skin we need some info about the decals wich squadron flew them, where and what kind of weapons they have used. Does and M2000 double seater have a gun?! Or does every double seater have the probe?
  2. Fruit Helmets

    what about ergonomic industrialized chichens?! ... same with the eggs!
  3. Aloha

    Soulfreak strikes again! Bomben skin!
  4. F-35B

    Sounds like alot of work, thanks FC.. nice to see those birds coming along!
  5. updated this bird, the probe now casts shadow on objects and ground! just extract this here into your Aircraft folder:
  6. Tu-22KD

    updated this bird, the probe now casts shadow on objects and ground!
  7. Ye-152 MOD

    3D stuff almost finished all I need are good data for the Turmanski engine R-15
  8. Ye-152 MOD

    Nice idea with the early and late modell... and a UB will come also
  9. Ye-152 MOD

    I think I will leave wing tips and have to do something about the pylons! Nice you like it! Was thinkin about a four pylon doubleseater version?!
  10. -Where can I find the values for the drawing distance for shadows?! Sometime when I zoom out only a few meters the shadow disapear... -And can pilots cast shadows?! Would be great cause I`m working with the pilot method and those parts don`t cast shadows. -Even more questions, the shadowing system was changed in WOI so the SHD file isn`t needed any more. The plane parts cast computer generated shadows on Fuselage /ground. Is it right?! What are those special entries for this???
  11. Shadow ini edit

    I tried it on my Ye-152 mod and it works great will update my Tu-22KD
  12. Ye-152 MOD

    So I wokred on some parts, a bit ini tweaking .. with help of wilco and FC my pilot parts cast shadows for the first time. Loading screen completed, only need to work a bit on the ini stuff and and loadouts. 3D WIP some antenas and reposition some oter parts and it`s ready to go! hope you like it
  13. Shadow ini edit

    Thank you it works great I think I have to update some of my files ;-)
  14. Auszeit

    Juchu du bist wieder da, haben dich vermisst hier.... Wünschen dir ein frohes neues Jahr ( so gut es geht!!!!!!) und natürlich ein welcome back!!!! Rush dich nicht kaputt, sorge dich erstmal um deine Gesundheit!!!! Aber schön wieder was von dir zu hören!!!
  15. Ich möchte eure Stimme

    Würde fast vorschlagen dies bei TK zu posten ob der sich dieer Sache vllt annimmt?! Wäre schon
  16. Need Mirage 2000 infos

    I can send it to when the skin is done 100% will send it first to amok floo for some other stuff... What pitot on the nose?! Some reference?! Thanks for comments, it`S still WIP ;-)
  17. Ye-152 MOD

    Hey I created it this night so be patient! ;-) needs some ini tweak and a more improved 3D modell! It`s just to look were teh right places are ...
  18. Thank you for this update, I found this issue this morning :-P But no time to post it... good work on those birds!
  19. X-31

    I like the first version.. looks more .. like a future fighter! Liked also the ATF X-32 version if someone remember?
  20. Something for Lexx a quick test ;-) MiG Ye-152M
  21. Stay safe Mannie...

    Wish all the people in the region the best an luck to survive this madness
  22. МиГ-15 вот вам топик

    I have missed some post so sorry pics looks good .. text still in russian :-P
  23. X-31

    Looks ugly as the original do!!! Good work on this really and internal work is important and time consuming to.. haven start on my Mig-19 yet

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