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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. WOE patched MF MiG-29,Su-30,Su-24 my effects and wideskye Desert Storm Mod
  2. Hey looks really good thanks will you build the Ventura too?
  3. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    I can`t promise anything If I have some free time why not, I repainted this one without templates, such a timeconsuming work, but Flo send me his templates last week, I think I can repaint it much faster with his templates
  4. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    thanks for your coments, this skin will be ready 2009, cause of decals and the fact that I have no idea how to do them, yes in hte KB is a Tutorial but had not time until know to deal with it. Repainting will be finished next week. ;-)
  5. Hey erwin and Team you like some interesting planes and what do you think about this here http://www.aviapedia.com/video/su-27kub-su-33kub-video
  6. So far I know it`s WIP
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hast du mal an nen Mirage 2000-5 cockpit gedacht?! http://www.airforce-technology.com/project...ge/mirage5.html die sind ja äußerlich vom Rumpf her nicht sonderlich unterschiedlich, aber das Pit ist recht interessant.

    I have one livng in the neighbourhood.... :-P

    a russian bison bomber http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mjassischtschew_M-4
  10. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    Thanks for your knowledge, this skin still use until it`s finished amokflos 2000d decals so it`S WIP.
  11. looks like a Su-27 mini
  12. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    repainted and fueltanks with new entry, add new radar and fire and forgot capability to this bird the only thing wich is missing, 5 MFD pit
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Benutze Flos skin der Mirage 2000D und mache daraus eine 2000-5 arbeiten in gange
  14. Hi all, I just experimented with some entries for the Su-39 I added this to the Data.ini // Recon Cam ------------------- [ReconCam1] ReferenceName= SystemType=EO_CAMERA CameraFOV=40.000000 CameraPosition=0.000000,10.062,-0.956 CameraYaw=15.000000 CameraPitch=15.000000 CameraRoll=15.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268435456 [ReconCam2] ReferenceName= SystemType=EO_CAMERA CameraFOV=15.000000 CameraPosition=0.000000,10.062,-0.956 CameraYaw=15.000000 CameraPitch=15.000000 CameraRoll=15.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268435456 but only one of them works, how can I make them all to work so you can switch between them to simulate a "zoom"?????
  15. Optical onboard systems

    Ok thank you, I have to create a camera weapon?! Mh TK should include this small gimick to zoom in and out and scroll around with laser sights or cameras...
  16. Frohe Weihnachten

    Ich müsste 2 mal um die Erde joggen um das wieder wegzubekommen, man hat ja ein Jahr zeit .. hehe Allen iene fröhliche Weihnacht!
  17. what do you want under you xmas tree.?

    Desert Storm Mod!
  18. Santa may be late this year...

    that`s great!
  19. but look yourself, I don`t know how this could be implementet in this series but it sounds impressive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifkBKX5f5NI...feature=related Is this the same radar like F-35 use it?
  20. Tu-95...Tu-142?

    Is WIP and I created a Tu-114 skin

    I think yes, every sim from TK was updated to a standart!
  22. Feliz Natal - Merry Christmas

    You to lloking forward to your projects with repect and best regards Martin Merry Christmas
  23. Islamic call to prayer

    I found this and it`s very ipressive, sounds epic and for me, I have a great respect for old religions... they are a part of human history and we are part of the religion I just want to know what`S this about, I can`t understand it, but I`m interested in the text. Is someone here who can translate it?! thanx and best regards Martin
  24. Islamic call to prayer

    Thank you very much, I`m not realy religious, but I believe in something. Sometimes this help people to understand each other... their culture and religion. have a nice evening guys

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