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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird


    Mh, ok you are right, you are the taxpayers! ...so why not use only the military "pentagon" designation? The company doesn`t matter (if they use such copyright politics and criple gamedevelopers) who need them? nobody.... Wish you all a nice X-mas and a lot of presents from X-man!!!!!
  2. oh thank you for this update, I like this plane bt needs some work to fly straight

    This is hte same prob like in the il2 series and the reason for a not included "Grumman" Avenger into the game. It`s not the plane modell it`S the name wich is under copyright and licensed. You can have a C-130 "military designation" ingame but not a Lockheed C-130 don`t know about the Name Hercules who gave it to this bird but this is the fact I know so far
  4. I think the FM will be player friendly so it wouldn`t be a prob to convert it into a playable plane

    looks for me like a small testbed for a upcoming game and a cashcow for TK, but still looks good!

    Is it just an update for SF?? Or a whole new game?
  7. МиГ-15 вот вам топик

    This is a nice quality of a pit, would be really nice to have others like this here... Su-24, 95 and othe russian planes missing pits..
  8. maybe it`s not mapped right?! The UV mapping stuff is a bit complicated... when you change something on the modell after mapping it can destroy your mapping
  9. Escorting a Tu-114 passenger plane trough dangerous airspace
  10. SU-24 WIP

    And the best fact is, we will get 2 of them!!!
  11. We can use the F-111 pit for this bird as a placeholder, it looks good! repect to the guys who created it!
  12. what about htis one? http://files.filefront.com/Strike+Fighters...;/fileinfo.html it`s 05.25.06 for sfg
  13. ok last try what about a complete new program called "Google" I just tried it and found it on the first try.... it`s your turn
  14. Why people don`t try the developers site ????
  15. Works well for me good work thank you, but I have autumn trees in it, cause I made a seperate install for winter CE from my Germany Autum folder copied the stuff over and overwrite with the winter files but have now autum trees insted of winter?!
  16. SU-24 WIP

    Isaw first those pics later this evening and not the creators name, but I can say it`s from you. Those models have your signature, your good kind of modelling! Good work veltro
  17. My Drawings

    looks good try to draw longer better lines not the short mass of line wich creates sometimes a shape of something... longer full lines (pressure just light to see it slightly) Studied 2 years Industrial design and working as grafik artist now for some people..
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Das ist absolut kein Ding, habe selbst null Zeit was zu machen erst ab montag wieder etwas ... bin gerade irgendwie im stress war die Woche in Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg, Mühlheim, Frankfurt am Main und Oberhausen unterwegs. Dazu heute seit 11 UHr bis jetzt 17 Uhr bei nem sponntanen Umzug geholfen muss noch Sachen fürn Steuerberater fixen usw usw und Freundin nimmt das alles etwas mies zu Kenntnis und findet sich damit ab.... hoffe ich
  19. This is realy interesting, will test this. never thought about this idea!
  20. but not ingame pics?!!! Try Lomac again and tell me.. su-27 ;-)
  21. radar on hud is standart in su-27 so nothing new, but as I know it`S not possible now in this game...
  22. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Muss ich dann ein Teil sozusagen als Hauptteil definieren? Dann Alle Teile mit diesem Teil verlinken? oder ist das egal und hauptsache alle Teile sind zusammen verlinkt? Gibt ja diese attach funktion ganz rechts in der Leiste, ist das das gleiche?

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