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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Tu-22KD

    I have released this mod, hope you like it ;-) If there were any probs pls contact me or write it down here at CA
  2. Tu-22KD

    no sorry not in this quality ... but better .. hehehe
  3. HDD crash data recovering

    Ok I have this prog running nice one thx for info but now, I don`t want to dissamble the whole laptop, can I just turn it on, I know it wont start windows, but it`S running and connect it via USB with my PC?! Or another idea was to boot it with linux bootable CD?! and than connect to my PC is it possible?! -Can I recover data with my XP PC on the Linux booted laptop via USB?
  4. thank you, I painted the skin with paint also the parts... bad program!
  5. haha can`t wait for those nice skins!
  6. Would be nice to fly around in your skins!
  7. will you release the skins?! or later with the other Tu-95??
  8. MiG-21 MF

    doesnt matter but needs to be transparent,
  9. This looks awsome what is the plan?! And will veltro release his final Tu-95 version with the comunity updates questions over questions
  10. North American TF-86K

    Ich habe mehr Glück als verstand!!!!!!!! Ich hatte mal ne F-95 angefangen und eine recht aktuelle Canopy the TF-86K benutzt.. braucht etwas feinschliff!!!!! Juchu ich habe Heute Weihnachten!
  11. HDD crash data recovering

    Ok thanks Flogger found that prog as soon as it`s ready I will run it, wish me some luck.. need it.
  12. MiG-21 MF

    Can someone create a red .tga pls so we can use this for the red light ;-)
  13. Tu-22KD

    Yup u missed one small entry: open cockpit.ini and sear for this entry [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=su-15tm_cockpit OpenCockpit=TRUE <------------this is a new line, it should be there to see the pit Offset=-0.08,-0.20,-0.2 <---------------------important Position=-0.10,14.4,0.9 <------------------- " use simply those entries! //Position=0.0,14.437,0.658 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=100 MinYaw=-100 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-95 MinPitchRear=-95 LightRange=1.5
  14. HDD crash data recovering

    So should I open the notebook and remove the HDD`s is so easy like on desktop PC`s?? never did this on a laptop. I asked my girlfirend if she had done something with the notebook and she answered she runs "fast NTFS format" she had no idea what this was. So is it still possible to recover the data? wich program can I use? @Flogger23 is there a free tool to use? will looks tomorrow for a good adapter
  15. Tu-22KD

    That`s WOE/WOV plane you need all LOD from WOE and all related files for the Tu-22 so it`s easier to use this in WOE. files you need: Tu-22.LOD Tu-22_LOD_.LOD Tu-22_LOD002.LOD Tu-22_LOD003.LOD Tu-22_LOD004.LOD TU-22_BODY_HOLES.TGA TU-22_LEFTWING_HOLES.TGA TU-22_NOSE_HOLES.TGA TU-22_RIGHTWING_HOLES.TGA TU-22_TAIL_HOLES.TGA Extract those files form the object cat and you will be fine I`ve done this with the Vautour from WOI and it works in WOE, good luck!
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mh auch interessant, es haben sich die Tu-22 mehr Leute heruntergeladen als angesehen, tolles Internet phenomen. Wenn es bugs geben sollte einfach melden
  17. OA-4M

    Will load it as soon as I arrive at home!
  18. here is also some interest!
  19. Tu-22KD

    Nope it`s flyable, have you read the readme?! there is a cockpit folder with a LOD and the ini changes in the su-15 pit ini, take a look. Hope no one else has this prob. Do you have it in your aircraft list or not?!
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Habe die Tu-22KD released, arbeite jetzt semi an der T-1 und der JJ-8II dem gecanceltem Trainre für die chinesische Luftwaffe. Bekommt ne neue Canopy mit animation und einer Refuelprobe die ebenfalls animiert ist, zumindest bei der "modernen" version mit voll verglasstem Frontcockpit. Die ältere behält die canopy front der eigentlichen J-8II und bekommt den starren Tankstutzen!
  21. Hey veltro, any news on your superb work?
  22. Here is the first ingamepic of the JJ-8II Finback trainer for the PLAA, it was cancelled but not on my HDD Original modell from inskye and Erwin <--- Good man!!!!! some 3D works from me, early WIP
  23. J-8II Finback History

    As I wrote, my stuff is not dead.. maybe sleeping.... hungry or drunk but not dead...I`m a bit busy with RL and ver hapy to have this baby ingame! There will be 2 versions, one with canopy front from the original J-8II and a modern version with a full glass canopy front and a retractable refuelprobe. on the right side
  24. JH-7A BETA

    I would wait, cause a new pit for the su-39 is coming.. it was just WIP, about the tga.. good question I really don`t know
  25. I reinstalled my Su-15 don`t know what was different but now it works ... really don`t have a clue... will upload the bird

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