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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. CA-Stary tree mod

    Hey Stary I have a small bug in the israel terrain, when I fly CAS or AR I can`t see and fire on ground units cause they are under the terrain!?!?!?! That`s just after the installation of your treemod
  2. MiG-21 MF

    You see on the right site some buttons there is one with a hammer click it, than click on more and search for thirdwire exporter, important you have to select all parts before exporting!!!!! Than click "Export - No decals" !!!!! and that`s it
  3. MiG-21 MF

    you can import LOD to max but you need the Max LOD exporter to find on tk`s site and put it into plugins
  4. thanx but I was looking for this bird http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...IS&start=24
  5. ok nice info about Su-30 but what about Mirage IIIS??
  6. Su-39 beta od Erwin_Hansa!

    can you send me pls the Su can`t load it from rapidshare.. Nextoperator ad gmx dot net thx
  7. Sorry but can`t load the Su-39 cause the small pic where the "code" is wich ment to be typed in is broken every time can someone else upload it somehwere? pls
  8. MiG-21 MF

    the right pic what an where is it???
  9. CA-Stary tree mod

    Any news of the new german terrain tree and buildings mod?!
  10. Has someone a nicer FM for this bird tried to include the EF-2000 FM but don`?t have clue how to do it the right way, If there is someone out who has a nicer FM could you post it?! Cause the plane is WIP
  11. But it`s there so maye actice in future patches, and usable like the air 2 air mode in the radars, would be nice.
  12. Mh sometimes there are no Sam sites around the airfields just some guns, I`m talking about time preiods like 1990 and later.<--- redbases The same for blue. Sa-8 try to target you on low levelflying, it fires and explodes the same happens when you are flying maybe under 1000 feet. The SA-8 only flys right when you fly higher! When you here "SAM" just look after a fireball and you know it "was" a SA-8!
  13. I wouldn`t bother about this prob, MF is making new cats from the A to the D with new pits so ... patience young padawan.... but damn the same thing goes with the new MNiG-29... grrrr patience ... patience....
  14. S-105

    Amokfloo is back and will send him the files again, maybe he can do some magic ;-)
  15. MiG-21 MF

    Ok I have some free time to work on those antennas!!! including mapping and stuff like this! Have to look after the pics you `ve send me for reference.
  16. Su-39 beta od Erwin_Hansa!

    Nice work on this bird, a mig-23 BN as a whole new plane or modifications to excisting birds?!
  17. North American TF-86K

    Ich habe einene Ordner der heist "Projects", darin enthalten unterordner mit den jeweiligen Projekten und den dazugehörigen jpg`s und Max files. Alles fein säuberlich geordnet. Dachte ich brauch keine Sicherungskopien da alles getrennt ist von einander. Ich musste aber einige "texturen und materials" von der TF-86 bei der T-1 benutzen, naja da ich immer zur sicherheit zwischenspeicher um ja nix zu verlieren habe ch leider die richtige maxfile in dem falschen ordner mit falschem Namen gespeichert ich depp. Mir ist aber eingefallen das ich eine ander Version noch rummfliegen habe, im sehr frühen Stadium und noch als einsitzer jedoch mit extended canopy, sollte ne EF-86L werden mit zusatz jammerpods am Rumf und der Canopy ähnlich der Skyraider mit Radome.Vllt lässt sich da was machen denn der Vogel gefiehl mir
  18. The pics looks promissing, really looking forward to this! Nice choosed bird! And pit looks incredible nice! Thanks!
  19. S-105

    anestesy effect is cool, but ends when it`s finished!
  20. need modding help

    As I wrote it should be a fake not a real Radar equiped Sabre! Maybe it can work
  21. North American TF-86K

    Verdammt das habe ich nciht gewusst... NEIN das kann doch nciht sein.... mano... mist verflixter!.... Habt ihr nicht damals ne reengeering methode bei der RF-84 benutzt??? oder hattet ihr die Max file ich bin am Arsch zumindest was dieses Projekt angeht!!
  22. German Navy F-104G

    It`S the same, download read the readme and follow instal instructions! If you have still questions pls ask. Addons compatible between SFP1 WOE and WOV, WOI maybe too cause of the latest patches all are patched up to the same level
  23. need modding help

    I would fake it with the dogfight radar mode and the cross as a "targetbox so you can simulate a leading gunsight"
  24. Ok it happend again! I`m not at home for 2 days and what do i see??? he... veltro releasing planes ...damn I always have to wait!
  25. Hi I need to move the elevators of the T-33 a bit higher for my T-1 Mod wich will be released as soon as this stuff is ready. The T-1 SeaStar had the elevators a bit higher than the T-33 so who knows how to do this? Pls some help would be nice

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