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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Ok thanx as you can see in the tu22 history topic I solved the pit view prob but have another one :-P I found this tu-22 panel pic this could be done with the A-4 pit but I have no paint skills that could solve this prob. What do oyu say?! could it be done with a a-4 pit?! HELLO WORLD IS SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO WULD VOLUNTEER ON THIS???? :-)
  2. Sämtliche Wings Over

    Die Spiele müssen absolut gleich sein, es darf keine abweichung in den inis vorhanden sien am besten eine installation machen und diese dann brennen und eins z ueins auf dem rechner deines Kollegen installieren/kopieren. Habe abe rmit Netzwerk und WOX keine erfahrung ... habe das aber über die JAhre in den Foren aufgeschnappt!
  3. I was thinking about finishing my T-49 project, Lexx do oyu have some ini changes for this bird?! Sorry for hijacking this topic
  4. wgat is the part behind the pit looks like two vents and the Tu-22 has them too, aircondition?!
  5. You don`t neet any materials for modelling in max, just some skills and experiance, but I think you will never end learning stuff int this business!
  6. Better avionics, TV cameras linked to the weapons via numpad steerable TV bombs and rockets. Adjusting radar high and direction like in Lomac. possibility to have a start up sound for jet sounds and a shut down sound, reworked soundsystem for a better and a more real sound and enviroment. possible to have radar screen on the HUD I think that`s all for now
  7. Projekty

    HI Signum haven`t looked at your modell yet cause busy with RL just finished my Tu-22KD mod and the mapping for the S-105. The pics a saw fromt this Tu-360 are WIP right?! If we now rework areas on this bird you will loose your UV mapping. I will not have time the next weeks only to work on my stuff in a very limited way cause of exams... Your project needs some rework, but thats not your fault. Just a learning curve ;-)
  8. ok thanks to wrench and his advice I found after some try and errors a nice position for both, pilot an panel
  9. what is htis offset position? There must be somwhere an etry that says, you are sitting here and not there?!?
  10. S-105

    this don`t sound good... mean your tooth, but I figured mapping out on my few Tu-22 parts and it worked after remaping after remaping... damn was it hard but I think I have a way, still not perfect but effective, I can map the stuff now and send it without a map to oyu?! I would say that`s ok cause you can put some magic on itÌ`m not a skinner.
  11. Wow more and more planes coming from Veltro.. good work like also!
  12. Those are the entries for the pit, I want to move the view a bit not the panel with the view .. [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=a-4b_cockpit OpenCockpit=TRUE Offset=0.00,01.20,-0.15 Position=0.0,14.5,0.9 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=150 MinYaw=-150 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-100 MinPitchRear=-100 LightRange=1.5 LightInnerConeAngle=43 LightOuterConeAngle=60 LightAngles=0.0,-35.0,0.0 DiffuseLightFactor=0.5 NightLightOn=0.55 NightLightColor=0.5,0.2,0.3
  13. Ok here is what I have so far... ECM added and CM too.... new Ground radar with a 500 km range and a large missile station for ASW missions But how can I make it that the pilot sits a bit on the right or left side to have a better forward view ???
  14. haven`t loaded the bull awacs yet will check it out!
  15. looks like hard work! Good!
  16. I think we have to redo the missile
  17. AIM-9X

    For what you need pilots in the airforce if you have such weapons.... Pilot = missile carrier?
  18. KC-135

    Veltro = Bomberman me = Podboy Jug = The Shining Dave = da boss
  19. Thats the biggest a-bomb in the world the russians had some probs with precision strikes at this time so they decided to make a bomb where is no precision needed to destroy a city cant imagine what had happen if those boms were droped
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich war da mit meiner Süßen, war ganz ok haben zum glück selbst beide etwas ebbe in der Kasse also blieb es nur bei "oh Schuhe" und ich "verdammt!".. der Laden hatte schon zu zum Glück... Habe aber 6 Staffeln scrubs eingebaut in einen selbstgemachtem Kalender bekommen!!! Echt top die Frauenwelt! Fahren dafür nach Prag übers Neujahr
  21. MiG-21 MF

    I would suggest the one from MF F-15A it looks similar but ou have to adjust the size of the burner!
  22. F-5F/Sagheah

    Looks iteresting, will be nice to shoot it down
  23. KC-135

    Veltro the italion stalion!!! da bober man in the modder scene! Great work you have done on this
  24. Hi Skinners

    Ladys, Gentleman, Fast Cargo.. thank you very much for this reworked F-111 damn good work on this... sexy lady
  25. The A-4 pit repaint would be great with this open pit true stuff for Tu-22 as I wrote, have a nice pic for the instruments if ordway is here around ???

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