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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. KC-135

    grrr ... ok still under the first 10 i update ing now my XP to sp3 cause of GTA IV was released today in germany
  2. Wrench can you explain the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" to me how to work with this? cause I need to know it for my tu-22
  3. KC-135

    wohoo hope I`m the first!!!
  4. now you have to helpl me.. what is this?!
  5. S-105

    Hey give me a day or two I think I found the prob, the UV mapping was a bit wrong have to correct it maybe you saw my uv map help request but I found the solution in 2 hours of searching and looking for tutorials..
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...3627&st=400
  7. removed gun turret via ini edit and created a cover for the tail.. can see larger pic in screenshots of the month
  8. I need to select in max the cylindric mapping and need to rotate the cylinder 90 degrees to the left. the the top of the cylinder is on the right side and the bottom on the left one. Or can I select faces and unwrap them object per object? I really need some help with this..
  9. UV mapping help

    solved I found the problem!
  10. RDM KD = modeling finished U PD Updates: small Engine intakes, antenas in the front area, new radarnose, refuelprobe and some other small parts added, new weaponstation for ASM, added ECM and flare stations
  11. thanks two of the links don`t work for me, but I found some more pics. want to create: RDM KD U PD and than release them, hope with lindr2 help I get those ECM stuff and flare stations to work!
  12. your skin looks great Xray about your request.. veltro is doing some other versions so no need now to work on mods for this birds .. have some nice Tu-22 blinder mods around check out the Tu-22 history thread
  13. I need some good pics of the Tu-22RDM I have not pics of the side radar, can someone help?
  14. S-105

    Yes unwrapped it, but wasen`t right. I still have to learn alot of things, but there are so many objects and I did somwhere a misstake stioll trying to solve it, floo has it to but until now no response
  15. Wow you are a real bomberman! for me ... it`s over I`m the podboy
  16. This baby looks great! As I saw this pic I was listening the soundtrack from backdraft.. try it yourself go to youtube type backdraft theme and voila this pic begins to life!
  17. @ krizis do you have a kh22 missile family in your pack?! would you pls send it to me Nextoperator ad gmx dot net thank you
  18. thanks lindr I will change it only to ASM, loading your pack 4 and will lock for a correct loadout for this baby
  19. I checked it and have no probs with the brakes doesn`t matter if in the air or on the ground. have you tried to redownload it?!
  20. S-105

    Hi some small probs apeared with the mapping the texture is missplaced someting goes wrong, parts already send to amok floo for rechecking. only waiting for amokfloos answer now
  21. MiG-25PDS

    Tanks to paladrian!!! and a more tanks to u for this bird!

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