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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-5F/Sagheah

    good skinning, can feel the air tonight....
  2. and what are the correct entries for ASM? EOGR,LGB,ARM,ASM,CGR is the ASM the correct one, what sensors do a plane need?! I wand to put the ground radar with 500 km range as it was put in those birds but look what I have so far... and how is it here with the "copyright" of the data.ini cause I have heavily modified it, can it be released or should I contact TK or only a readme for the changes ...??
  3. So I have a few questions, how can I move the view position in the cockpit, I can move the pit around but not the view??!! Another question is what are the parameter for the afterburner length?!
  4. Do you mean this here: [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.85 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=front_struct ShockAnimationID=2 ShockStroke=0.10 <---- SpringFactor=1.7 DampingFactor=1.0 This is from the MF F-15A
  5. S-300 WIP

    Mh I think this was a missunderstanding, about the copy right, I described it wrong, not use "the" Lock on texture, sorry wrote this a bit ... bad sorry again. You can use it as reference and redo the texture you can read this in the first part of my post so again sorry... was a missunderstanding and my fingers were to fast ...
  6. I think it has to do something with the damper settings in the gear section the one is for "bouncing" action and the other one is how "heavy" is the compression but I think FC can answer it better. Or look in the F/A-18data ini
  7. Damn great Addon, I wrote you a PM have you read it?! you know it was just a report and I know it`s beto so... want to help ;-) keep up your damn good work, very very nice detail on this baby!
  8. S-300 WIP

    I would say redo the texture and you are redy to go, I think it doesn`t matter if you change something on the textures cause copyright is on the current texture not on possible modificated...
  9. mh, can`t you set the high for the meshes?! so maybe two buildings one on the op of the other?!
  10. File Name: A-10 HUD modification File Submitter: 76.IAP-Blackbird File Submitted: 30 Nov 2008 File Category: Jet Cockpits A-10HUD Version 1.0 December 2008 This file modifies your external neon green hud to a more good looking one! -------------- installation -------------- Extract the packed file into your A-10/skin folder of you`re choice. You can find you`r birds in your Object/Aircraft folder. backup your files first, you will be asked if overwrite press yes. works with A-10 early,late modern and NAW-10B ------- Credits ------- The credits goes to Wpnssgt, Kesselbrut and usafmtl for this bird --------------- Version History --------------- 1.0 Enjoy Click here to download this file
  11. hoh it`s like xmas .. thanks!
  12. will remove the turret on the RDM and create a cover for it this pic was just a 20 mins work incl. positioning... will map it and fix the data ini stuff and release it when it`s ready! hope that`s what you were talking about. Do you have some more pics of those versions?! @ Jug maybe you have a light fix for this bird?!
  13. I still read this as I told you I have an idea to modify the current one KD and RDM version
  14. S-300 WIP

    uh, good I think I will fly more red ... hehe will be a nice SAM site
  15. TU-95 Bear M

    have no problems with it, works fine for me
  16. nope it`S the standart Sa-8 haven updated it ... have you uploaded it here on CA?
  17. So I don`t knwo if you noticed it but this green Hud was a bit.... to green for my taste so I found a nice solution but look yourself. If some people want it please tell me and I can upload it.
  18. A-10 HUD

    ok uploaded it, awaiting aproving
  19. A-10 HUD modification



    A-10HUD Version 1.0 December 2008 This file modifies your external neon green hud to a more good looking one! -------------- installation -------------- Extract the packed file into your A-10/skin folder of you`re choice. You can find you`r birds in your Object/Aircraft folder. backup your files first, you will be asked if overwrite press yes. works with A-10 early,late modern and NAW-10B ------- Credits ------- The credits goes to Wpnssgt, Kesselbrut and usafmtl for this bird --------------- Version History --------------- 1.0 Enjoy
  20. yup that`s true was wondering about the pit, and yes it was from WOE, I also imported the WOI Vautour and made it flyable in my WOE install and buzz around with the others over israel 2 + treemod!
  21. MiG-21 MF

    Very good skill!!! and a nice skin too! thanks for this will upload the mapped S-105 stuff this night
  22. Do you have any ideas about the "standart" SA-8 cause when the rocket is launched, it explodes a few meters infront of the launcher.. everytime! Do you know a fix for this?

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