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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. S-300 WIP

    looks good, very goo dand it will be painfull yes, have no idea about the version.
  2. F4D-1

    check your fm in the options and try to change from hard to normal... I think i work bette rin normal
  3. ok one pic per day?! or one photo story per day?! :-P
  4. any pic of this project?! or top secret?!
  5. really impressive work! it`s very atmospheric
  6. check if there is an cockpit entry in the vautour.ini .. and a pit folder inside the vautuur folder
  7. This pilot looks good I think IU have to visit your site...
  8. A-10 HUD

    Mh I was looking where I get this file from, it was the A-10 itself just renamed it and copied it into the skin folder and voila I have a new external HuD texture. It`s the "A-10HUDGlass.tga" can find it in the cockpit folder and rename it to "HUDGlass.tga" and copied it into the skinfolder but If someone wants I can upload this file with a small readme... it`s up to you
  9. what kind f FM does it have the one from a F-86 or 80?! this bird looks like a mix of both
  10. Is this now for veltro`s 95 cause it`s a M ???
  11. F-5F/Sagheah

    This is a nice progress of this bird, looks like a very clean model! thanks FC
  12. This is nice, really like it, skins looks good to
  13. Projekty

    Engines: are the same like other systems, you need to define them and make an entry in the systemdata. You have there 2 entries for thrust, dry and wet, normal thrust and afterburner. I would say look at other planes, look how they work and look how the engine entry look like, I`m ot the best in engine ini modelling there are so many entries to work on, I look for a similar plane and change than the data. For me its still a try and error
  14. MiG-21 MF

    new wheels isn`t so hard but i duno to how to ini work this
  15. Black Projects

    Better news I will get the core file.. hehe
  16. MiG-21 MF

    oh you are right, mh ... ok R is next!
  17. Black Projects

    the complete nose section is new, fooling around with the U version and want to make a R too
  18. MiG-21 MF

    Have some time next week to work on the MF .... out of frustration i build a Yak-28B nose can see it in the black projects thread
  19. S-105

    mapping finished!!!!! You will be this weekend ready to go...
  20. Black Projects

    mh lets see what`s new on this ...
  21. I would suggest 9800GT for under 200€

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