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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. aren`t there some buildings in the USA wich have this building style I saw some pics of swatika buildings, the same here in germany with some trees you can see them in the autum, they are the first one wich change the colour and voila.. swastika..
  2. S-105

    hope I can finish it this evening "mapping"
  3. I get a rundll32 error when i try to fly israel 2 terrain a CTD and then I can fly don`t know what causes this?!
  4. I was thinking about a small update in the near future, new cannon modells, new canopy panel for the pilot wich can be seen from outside and a new 3D gunsight also for the exterior modell.
  5. looks nice, just some trees, correct cities for navigation .. damn this is nice!
  6. S-105

    Bad news I can`t contact amok floo, good news I found out how to map stuff :-D
  7. ok ready for the night.....
  8. F-5F/Sagheah

    damn this is nice, more than I expectected so early! Good stuf is coming!
  9. MiG-21 MF

    Hey very nice skin, lukasn22 do you speak english or german?!
  10. CA-Stary tree mod

    ok it`s great, have to thank you, all I miss there are small walls like trenches on the buidlings... but this is to much detail for some PC`s
  11. Stop this kind of quoting or the topic will be closed!!!
  12. You see it all want your weapons! thanks for your work!
  13. MiG-21 MF

    I think we need to delte the projector from the pit we now use and it looks a bit more like a MF pit
  14. CA-Stary tree mod

    Hey stary, need a beta tester?! :-P looks f**** great!
  15. interesting one I loved the FM from marfighters Mi-8 the special FM
  16. Does someone lives in the near of a historical museum with a MiG-19 in it? Cause I nee some good pics of the intake, the airbrakes and the pit, maybe a good pic from the site. Just take some good pics that`s all. We have nothing comparable here arround, no museum or something like this with a MiG-19.
  17. MiG-19S WIP

    Thanks but would be nice to open a new topic for your request ;-)
  18. ok cool thanx, this was my project but very low priority... nice to see it done
  19. nice one are those pylons really so"large"
  20. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...40&start=40
  21. Ok I try it in a another way, Maybe you know my MiG-19 project, it`s HD and I needed 3-4 days for the right shape of the canopy and the details, front gear... countless days, there is alot try and error

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