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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe mal das Ding zu nem Sticky gemacht, denke ist ok.

    have you tried to change the FM from hard to normal?
  3. I can`t run the gun, I copied it into the ini and than run the guneditor but the guns still don`t work...
  4. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    Wow, good and brave sailers, the first who do something not like the other EU states ... Here in germany they still talking about a possibility to intervent in this area..... tzeee
  5. If WW2 was a Chat

    I think it was posted here but it was to funny to forget it... *Hitler[AoE] has joined the game.* *Eisenhower has joined the game.* *paTTon has joined the game.* *Churchill has joined the game.* *benny-tow has joined the game.* *T0J0 has joined the game.* *Roosevelt has joined the game.* *Stalin has joined the game.* *deGaulle has joined the game.* Roosevelt: hey sup T0J0: y0 Stalin: hi Churchill: hi Hitler[AoE]: cool, i start with panzer tanks! paTTon: lol more like panzy tanks T0JO: lol Roosevelt: o this fockin sucks i got a depression! benny-tow: haha america sux Stalin: hey hitler you dont fight me i dont fight u, cool? Hitler[AoE]; sure whatever Stalin: cool deGaulle: **** Hitler rushed some1 help Hitler[AoE]: lol byebye frenchy Roosevelt: i dont got **** to help, sry Churchill: wtf the luftwaffle is attacking me Roosevelt: get antiair guns Churchill: i cant afford them benny-tow: u n00bs know what team talk is? paTTon: stfu Roosevelt: o yah hit the navajo button guys deGaulle: eisenhower ur worthless come help me quick Eisenhower: i cant do **** til rosevelt gives me an army paTTon: yah hurry the fock up Churchill: d00d im gettin pounded deGaulle: this is fockin weak u guys suck *deGaulle has left the game.* Roosevelt: im gonna attack the axis k? benny-tow: with what? ur wheelchair? benny-tow: lol did u mess up ur legs AND ur head? Hitler[AoE]: ROFLMAO T0J0: lol o no america im comin 4 u Roosevelt: wtf! thats bullsh1t u fags im gunna kick ur asses T0JO: not without ur harbors u wont! lol Roosevelt: u little biotch ill get u Hitler[AoE]: wtf Hitler[AoE]: america hax, u had depression and now u got a huge fockin army Hitler[AoE]: thats bullsh1t u hacker Churchill: lol no more france for u hitler Hitler[AoE]: tojo help me! T0J0: wtf u want me to do, im on the other side of the world retard Hitler[AoE]: fine ill clear you a path Stalin: WTF u arsshoel! WE HAD A FoCKIN TRUCE Hitler[AoE]: i changed my mind lol benny-tow: haha benny-tow: hey ur losing ur guys in africa im gonna need help in italy soon sum1 T0J0: o **** i cant help u i got my hands full Hitler[AoE]: im 2 busy 2 help Roosevelt: yah thats right ***** im comin for ya Stalin: church help me Churchill: like u helped me before? sure ill just sit here Stalin: dont be an arss Churchill: dont be a commie. oops too late Eisenhower: LOL benny-tow: hahahh oh sh1t help Hitler: o man ur focked paTTon: oh what now biotch Roosevelt: whos the cripple now lol *benny-tow has been eliminated.* benny-tow: lame Roosevelt: gj patton paTTon: thnx Hitler[AoE]: WTF eisenhower hax hes killing all my sh1t Hitler[AoE]: quit u hacker so u dont ruin my record Eisenhower: Nuts! benny~tow: wtf that mean? Eisenhower: meant to say nutsack lol finger slipped paTTon: coming to get u hitler u paper hanging hun cocksocker Stalin: rofl T0J0: HAHAHHAA Hitler[AoE]: u guys are fockin gay Hitler[AoE]: ur never getting in my city *Hitler[AoE] has been eliminated.* benny~tow: OMG u noob you killed yourself Eisenhower: ROFLOLOLOL Stalin: OMG LMAO! Hitler[AoE]: WTF i didnt click there omg this game blows *Hitler[AoE] has left the game* paTTon: hahahhah T0J0: WTF my teammates are n00bs benny~tow: shut up noob Roosevelt: haha wut a moron paTTon: wtf am i gunna do now? Eisenhower: yah me too T0J0: why dont u attack me o thats right u dont got no ships lololol Eisenhower: fock u paTTon: lemme go thru ur base commie Stalin: go to hell lol paTTon: fock this sh1t im goin afk Eisenhower: yah this is gay *Roosevelt has left the game.* Hitler[AoE]: wtf? Eisenhower: sh1t now we need some1 to join *tru_m4n has joined the game.* tru_m4n: hi all T0J0: hey Stalin: sup Churchill: hi tru_m4n: OMG OMG OMG i got all his stuff! tru_m4n: NUKES! HOLY **** I GOT NUKES Stalin: d00d gimmie some plz tru_m4n: no way i only got like a couple Stalin: omg dont be gay gimmie nuculer secrets T0J0: wtf is nukes? T0J0: holy ****holy****hoyl****! *T0J0 has been eliminated.* *The Allied team has won the game!* Eisenhower: awesome! Churchill: gg noobs no re T0J0: thats bull**** u fockin suck *T0J0 has left the game.* *Eisenhower has left the game.* Stalin: next game im not going to be on ur team, u guys didnt help me for **** Churchill: wutever, we didnt need ur help neway dumbarss tru_m4n: l8r all benny~tow: bye Churchill: l8r Stalin: fock u all tru_m4n: shut up commie lol *tru_m4n has left the game.* benny~tow: lololol u commie Churchill: ROFL Churchill: bye commie *Churchill has left the game.* *benny~tow has left the game.* Stalin: i hate u all fags *Stalin has left the game.* paTTon: lol no1 is left paTTon: weeeee i got a jeep *paTTon has been eliminated.* paTTon: o sh1t! *paTTon has left the game.
  6. hope here on Ca as ....misstaken "freeware"... looks really good
  7. that`s very nice .. and a two seater.. great!
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    es werden garkeine angezeigt werde mich damit mal morgen befassen und alle einträge checken.
  9. Hey lindr 2 this looks great! Damn good work!
  10. S-105

    haven`t forgot you, I`m a bit busy with RL stoped now the work on the mig-19s for a week your parts go slower than expected. but they grow
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    aber mal zurück zu meiner Frage wie bekomme ihc die Decals sichtbar auf dem skin habe diesen 32 genannt. Irgendwie funzt das nicht habe die decals von alten skinn kopiert und die einträge in der ini dem 32 folder angepasst funzt trotzdem nicht...
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ha, also beide recht...
  13. Have you a list of weapons you have done so far?
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Das war nen GR Tornado wenn ich mich da nicht irre die ADV hatte doch nur GB oder? Glaube die haben nur 2 dutzend Maschienen geleased und eine ging beim Unfall verlohren
  15. If WW2 was a Chat

    this is an evergreen, we need to teach our children history that way maybe they find some more interest in it
  16. wich versions will oyu release?!
  17. Hey Krizis have you ever thought about making planes?! you have good skills!
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    @ Amokfloo was ich mich frage, du hast so viel arbeit und Liebe ins Detail gesteckt bei dem Tornado, das ich mich wundere warúm du den nicht einfach überarbeitest?! Der ist so cool der Flieger, der braucht nur etwas gesmoothed zu werden an einigen stellen, denke das da die einfach Smooth option reicht bei 3D Max ohne das UV mapping direkt zu zerstören, bin mir da aber nicht sicher. Das Canopy bräuchte nur das windshild überabreitet zu werden. Lange Rede kurzer Sinn, der Tornado ist sowas von Bombe mit den animationen und dem Detail grad das es klasse wäre diesen einem update zu unterziehen. Die ECR version wäre auch drinn da nur die Kanonen verdeckt werden müssten und die Antennen auf dem Rücken sind anders das wärs soweit ich weiß. Ich fliege in der letzten Zeit immer öffter tornado und dachte mir einfach vielleicht hast ja lust den Flieger etwas zu pimpen, kommt ja jetzt auch die ADV F3 version für die Briten. Ansonsten verdammt cooles Teil.
  19. I think one of the differences is the nose section, visualy...
  20. Star Trek Movie Trailer number 2.

    Mh I was a big fan of the original Star Trek movies, but this looks a bit like the star wars stuff... now lets see what was going on before the empire rose...
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe mich mal einfach hingesetzt und mich in einem ECR grau skin versucht, komme aber nicht darauf wie ich die decals dazu bekomme sichtbar zu sein aber seht selbst, noch dazu, ich habe keine ahnung von paintprogrammen...
  22. That sounds great, will be a pleasure to fly this baby.. good work Veltro
  23. Lol wtf?!?!?

    haha great B-47... hahahaha

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