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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Několik otázek od začátečníka

    Hey welcome aboard, nice skins you have there .. what modells are those planes new ones???
  2. the plan was to collect some good stuff like yours and integrade it into a weaponpack and first release it to a small number of people. My question is, arte your weapons replacing the current ones or are they additional? Hope they replace them :-)
  3. This pit looks really cool!
  4. If you need some help tell me
  5. Wow this looks amazing! Very HD and a very nice skin! Hope you have some informaiton about the stuff Ravenclaw has done.
  6. ini edit: open via hex editor the LOD file an then search for the probe name. Or look for the OUT file
  7. Ravenclaw is now not availbel, I was in contact with him and saw some of your nice weapons. Your missiles looks better than some planes... so I hope my MiG will be a nice addition to these ruskis stuff. I wanted to ask him to upload his weaponspack but it was to late he will be back maybe in a month or so...
  8. @krizis nice to see someone is working on very nice weapons, I`m in contact with Ravenclaw and I`m developing a new MiG-19 Series in HD so your weapons are very welcomed for my MiG
  9. All forgot to say thank you veltro for your damn nice Tu95!!!! I like it alot!
  10. Fires Near Santa Barbara

    This is crazy we in Europe only recive news like this nearly every week from the US about the state california. The other news are about obama but california is trouble region, ... But a beautiful one I ever wanted to visit this state. wish you all luck.
  11. CG interesting, never thought about it, have to check some other planes, thanks fubar.
  12. Would say damping factor of the front gear, I forgot if it was 0.6 or 6.0 Have to look at home for the right entry
  13. PLAAF skin uploaded

    yup looks good!!
  14. Sukhoi Su-35

    I think it still WIP and a new modell they are workin on the bercut too.
  15. @ wrench can you send the plane over to me? can`t promise you anything but I can take a look on this.. need a small brake from the mig have some trouble with gearbay
  16. CoD World at war is OUT!

    Hey what`s this? is it a Hl2 conersion to Hl1... damn I will have tears in my eyes when it`s true this was the best game I played ... it was great!
  17. suggestion

    limitation sounds god but i would prefer my suggestion a bit more... have you checked it? with best regards martin
  18. Tu-360

    Very intersting project, will be nice to see a possible escort for those babies
  19. Projekty

    Hi I saw some pics of your nice Tu360 as it was lined up on a field for take of and they were bouncing around, have you solved it?! It`s a matter of damper settings in the data ini. And you can enlarge the space between the waiting planes, So the nose of a plane is not stucked in the tail of another one if you need help you know hw to contact me or ay other here around CA
  20. CoD World at war is OUT!

    I would`t say it`s standart for new games to be played in 8 hours, I enjoyed Homeworld 1 for 8 month until I finished it. bought HW 2 and enjoed it also. Bt those shot em up games are a bit to short. We need something like Half Life 1 It was "THE" game of 1998 and it is still the game. COD is just for fun when you have 5 mins to play and kill some NPC`s. But have to say I enjoed every COD title .... for 50 mins but yeah it wasn`t that bad ;-)
  21. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Sieht super aus, da mss man schon ne Leidenschaft für haben, finde aber das die ganzen Waffen passend eintreffen da jetzt ne neue MiG ra anbricht was zumindest den Detailgrad der flieger anhebt!
  22. Auszeit

    Auch von mir alles gute und werd schnell gesund, hoffe dich hier bald wieder sehen zu können.

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