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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Accident aboard Russian submarine kills 20

    @ Dave russian sailer even captains have normaly two jobs, one on the boat and one another to earn enough money to survive, cause russian mitlitary is one of the worth payed jobs.
  2. I like the chicken version..
  3. suggestion

    Cool nice to see some responce.. we will see if it works
  4. Somebody knows?

    in the texture folde rof the planes you have a decal.ini where you have position values and scale for each decal, like your israel star. playaround with those values, remeber they are x and y axes = left right up and down
  5. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Das sieht mir fast nach ner Frage an TK aus, wenn der da nix großartig umgeändert hatte dann würde ich die lassen, vllt war das nen versehen?! Gibt ja auhc sowas
  6. delete the small fin in the middle, put a second engine on it and split the vertail. rework the nose section to get a F-22 shape on it caus eof stealth
  7. Accident aboard Russian submarine kills 20

    no prob saw the movie a year ago, but back to topic the new russian president reacted different then his predecessors, cause he informed the rest of the world about this accident.
  8. Don`t know what is different but got mine with 442kbs and it took 3 mins for downloading sorry 471 kbs and 2:15mins
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Gerade erst kennengeernt durch nen Freund.
  10. File Name: Lavi prototype skin for J-10 beta File Submitter: 76.IAP-Blackbird File Submitted: 5 Nov 2008 File Updated: 6 Nov 2008 File Category: Fictional and What If? This is a skin for a J-10 a LAVI look alike skin. still WIP but if you like improve it! Click here to download this file
  11. thanks @ mannie if you want I can post a pic wich will show the proble I can`t solve for the two seater! I want also release the TF-86K
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Texturen www.cgtextures.com
  13. S-105

    Ok thanks but this was the answer I was expecting. But it was worth a try.
  14. thanks, my mods are restricted partly to the original model, I just add "pilot" stuff to a plane. and mannie... I know what you mean.
  15. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Kann man auch die Rauchspuhr der SAMS beeinflussen?! so das man diese auch verfolgen kann, denn wenn diese abgeschossen wurden ziehen die racketen einen fast unsichtbaren schweif hinter sich her das ich diesen erst nach einem vorbeiflug bemerkt habe. Ich hätte gerne eine schöne lange weisse spuhr. Geht sowas?!
  16. Why I dislike the new James Bond movie

    I saw casino royal yesterday, had a nice salami pizza some nice wine and my girl friend and I have to say the movie is great! I liked it, it has a nice "old" atmosphere
  17. Legacy what the hell is this!

    I don`t like the flight modell cause you cannot fly a looping you are restricted on a flat area! and the system mangament is very very simple!! Ist the new aftermath better?
  18. Thank you very much dave!
  19. S-105

    point him to the MiG-19 WIP thread in the generel forums, I think he will like the project http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...33599&st=20
  20. Black Projects

    Next after the MiG-19 will come the JJ-8II redone
  21. S-105

    I have no contact addy for him, if you have it, you can contact him or send it over to how do you like..

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