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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. nice to see you like it!
  2. Tu-360

    how large is the tunring radius? Is is messured in countys or nations?
  3. oha... looks cool, I useing now a modified F-18pit so this is very welcomed!!
  4. Wyvern Released

    mh after install i have no sound for the wyvern
  5. MiG-19S WIP

    the detail level you can expect
  6. T-33 pit

    I think this is a part of the plane or the seat, wich you now can see from the pilots position..
  7. Version


    This is a skin for a J-10 a LAVI look alike skin. still WIP but if you like improve it!
  8. FC is right but convincing or not, it do the job! .... looking cool!
  9. Hey thanks for this cool update! good work!
  10. this doesn`t matter I enjoying your work and progrress! I will fly them also!!! please go further, looks really nice!
  11. I used this technique also on my E-8 but then I found out how to recreate the metall effect in 3D Max then It looks really nice!
  12. It looks good, but you overcome the metall effect!
  13. This looks very promissing!
  14. is this a new canopy? looks good! really like it!
  15. MF F-16flaps doesn`t work anymore!!!
  16. MiG-19S Projekt

    When I have a good base to start on I think I will do the other versions to like some J-6 ;-) hope that`s what you wanted to know?!
  17. J-7E/G

    I think they have so many WIP like me .. so it take some time to finish stuff ...
  18. J-10A

    no prob primary working on the new MiG-19 I want to learn some more skills with this project to make the other stuff much better
  19. J-10A

    Nope sorry the intake is impossible cause the intake goes from the intake to the end of the aircraft and consist of the whole underseide of the fuselage
  20. J-10A

    I thiunk I solved it but still missing launcher?! what do oyu think about this skin should I release it when it`s ready or the whole plane with all data ini changes? It`s still a J-10 not a Lavi!!!

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