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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. J-10A

    The Lavi had 2 weaponstation on the wingtips how can I make them to show of with a AIM-9 launcher on the, here are my new weaponentries. They even don`t show up in the loadout menue, don`t know what goes wrong?? And how can I get thse launcher on the wingtips?! [LeftWing] **** SystemName[008]=Station12 [RightWing] SystemName[008]=Station13 [station12] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=7 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-4.367,-4.3,-0.7 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.50,90.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM AttachmentType=NATO,ISRAEL ModelNodeName= PylonMass=0 PylonDragArea=0.002 [station13] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=7 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=4.367,-4.3,-0.7 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.50,-90.0 LoadLimit=200 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM AttachmentType=NATO,ISRAEL ModelNodeName= PylonMass=0 PylonDragArea=0.002
  2. J-10A

    If you like this I will finish it and upload it
  3. File Name: F-80 Shooting Star Cockpit File Submitter: 76.IAP-Blackbird File Submitted: 25 Oct 2008 File Category: Jet Cockpits F-80 Cockpit Version 1.0 October 2008 This is a F-80 pit, original created by Fubar`s request by Kesselbrut It`s FREEWARE only! -------------- installation -------------- Extract the pit folder into your planefolder of you`re choice. You can find you`r birds in your Object/Aircraft folder. open this file *(plane name).ini and replace the entries with CockpitDataFile=F-80_cockpit.ini !!!Make sure to safe the files in your cockpitfolder first!!! ------- Credits ------- Cockpit: Kesselbrut --------------- Version History --------------- 1.0 : This pit was not released yet. ----------- Limitations ----------- Freeware only, if you want to use it, credit Kesselbrut!!! Click here to download this file
  4. Wyvern Video

    Yes you did a fantastic job on this baby!
  5. It was the A-4AR wich was posted with a small part for the tail, and the vertails are similar so maybe we can use this small addition. Have you downloaded the A-4AR mod?! It`s not bad. To rename lod and bmp`s for this lod you need the hexeditor and stay in with the same number of letters e.g. 123456789 A-4AR.BMP A-4AM.BMP you see, same number of letter wrong: 12345678 A-4M.BMP The same for the LOD
  6. Do oyu have some infos about this pit or any mode of the inskye boys?! They do better and better addons! Like their good and fast work!
  7. I personally use a refinde weapspack from a friend he deleted all weapons like inert bombs and dummy sidewinders, replaced some with new ultra HD modells, UV 16/32 Rocketpod and some more, but all weapons are in also the one wich were released with some specific planes. GMG is working on this, using also lindr2 weapons, cause of very good 3D modells.
  8. S-105

    But if you like the previous solution more I can try to map it and finish it. Now redoing the part under the fin on the downsite of the bird all upgrades will be interchanged with the current Avia S-105 mods I created for you.
  9. MiG-19S Projekt

    Ja ok ist kein Ding, werde eh noch was basteln an der S danach kommen die anderen versionen drann. Hoffe noch auf Amok Floo
  10. When the spech pack is controled by a ini I don`t think it will be a problem to point to a specific speechpack in the data.ini of a specific plane. We should contact TK about this possibility, just only an option for us modder!
  11. Something similar like terrain folders, you have one main terrain folder with different terrains in it. That`s a good idea
  12. If there is no target I don`t think it will crash, you have only finished the mission. Something like "the ghost ship dissapear, USAF 1:0 Bad guy on the boat Have to check my install to cause haven`t flown anti ship with the new patch!
  13. MiG-19S WIP

    Does WOI have updated MiG-17 modells? or MiG-15?
  14. Thirdwire Sneak Peaks

    Hope so looks good for a player aircraft.
  15. S-105

    Hey Kuk, just a suggestion, don`t you want to wait for my MiG? I know you put some work in your project but my progress is not bad, have to do the gear/gearbox and the canopy and than it`s ready for skinning and animation. Maybe a week or two to go. And it will look very good with your skin. Fast Cargo told me something about severall LOD in one so the program will choose the one is needed for a specific version. I works for the F-111 and I think it will work for my version!
  16. This can`t be done you have to remodell the original core file of the F-4E without it you can have unanimated cans that`S all.
  17. Thanks, will create a testplane for those entries.
  18. Looks interesting, will refit my Kurnass 2000 and Lavi with this engine. It should work good. Thanks for your posting, but have no idea about the fuel consumption. My first thought was it`s the Machdrytaledata stuff but I don`t know for what it`s good.
  19. Hey Klavs, any updates on this one or on the B?! Have read somewhere that a EF-35 and a SEAD version can be possible and are in talk in the US. Have read this on Flugzeug Forum a german board, but don`t know if it`s true or not, so for me it looks like a twoseater could be done out of the B, take the vertical engine away and put a WSO in it and voila we have a two seater!
  20. Looks very good your Halifax, very nice work!
  21. The only thing we need is a plane specific chatter pack, so when you fly US or NATO you will hear english stuff, flying red planes you will hear gramps pack :-)
  22. Iwould also prefer a standart forward view and a possibility to look left. I think you have to change the gunsight only?! not the whole pit or any 3D modelling ;-)
  23. MiG-19S WIP

    @ wrench, I will do the P and PM also, the same with the JJ-6 and "J-6"??? But for now I need have done this S first. There is alot to learn how to do stuff like ailerons, flaps and chutes.... ;-)
  24. MiG-19S WIP

    Will try to recreate every possible feature of this bird

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