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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Juchu stealth is working! that`s a great thing now!!
  2. MiG-19S WIP

    Working on a S first, all small intakes, antenas and stuff like that will be done, try to create a HD modell
  3. MiG-19S WIP

    @ wrench great pics and stuff about the MiG-19 thank you
  4. B-2 and F-117

    twist him twice!!!
  5. We are working on a new one, replacing some LOD`s with newer ones and so on but still all is WIP
  6. S-105

    Yo thanks recieved it, will look at it today
  7. S-105

    Do you have some pics of it with diameter, lentgth and stuff like this??? But I have to ask someone from GMG cause have no idea of creating weapons or tanks like this.
  8. Looks interesting, will try it thanks!
  9. Next mission over Afghanistan! Thank you for this terrain
  10. I think the J-10 is still a Beta, but those decals looks good! Maybe I can use them on some other birds
  11. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Ich hatte da an einen Lenkflugkörper Taurus gedacht, wenn der nicht schon irgendwo in der mache ist, der hat einen schönen Klappmechanismus für die Flügel und dei finne, hat mir immer in den Filmen gefallen wenn diese Flügel ausgeklappt wurden. Mache das Ding aber zwischen durch primär arbeite ich an der MiG-19
  12. S-105

    I think those intakes make the plane a bit smoother, will use them modified on my own modell. Will experiment with other variants, was also thinkin to create a mix of MiG-19/21 but with two engines and delta wings, want to use the 21 engines data and size for the modell, can be interesting.
  13. Tu-28/128

    More russian birds are always welcomed! More russian pits always needed!!!! Thanks for this information
  14. COD 6 Confirmed! Exclusive Info

    For me it should be Korea! Never saw a infantery game in korea, maybe vietnam could be fun too. Liked the vegetation in COD 4
  15. Was watching "we were soldiers" last night and now see this...
  16. J-10A

    Does someone have some infos about the J-10B it should have more hardpoints than the A
  17. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Was ich mal fragen wollte wie funktioniert das ganze mit der Waffenerstellung und einbindung in das spiel. eine LOD erzeugen ist kein Problem, skinnen, so lange es bei Raketen usw bleibt kann ich das glaube ich auch bewerkstelligen. Aber was ist dann mit der ini?! Soll ich mir dann eine von bekannten waffen borgen und diese dann im weaponseditor modden oder erstellt man eine von grund auf neu??
  18. J-10A

    Hey cool thank you, will download it when I come home. Juchu a Lavi skin!
  19. fixed guns, I thought the guns were movable from the beginning. Wasen`t there a AC-47 with a side aimpoint? I know we have a bird with this kind of aimpoint. The game supports different gunsights per aircraft, waht about to create one fixed gunpoint for the Howitzer in the caged mode and the other aimpoint for the rest of the guns? So you could switch between those aimpoints.
  20. Looks nice and I like this "real" worn out skin, we need some more like this!
  21. Hi Skinners

    Thanks for your information, I saw those vanes in a vid on youtube about the F-111. And as I saw it first it looks a bit wired, I knew for what it is but never saw it n action before. I will really enjoy your F-111, it`s a nice lady
  22. I use the hornet pit for mine, looks very similar!
  23. Mirage Farbangaben gesucht!

    Was zum Geier soll das??? Bablefish oder was Aber achtet mal auf die Sig!!! Scheint nen Bot oder nen Werbe Ars** zu sein
  24. Thanks too, maybe you have interest in creating some skins later for the MiG-19S I`m working?!

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