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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich bin mal auf die performance gespannt was mich etwas wundert ist, dass il2 gestern bei einem Pearl Harbor Event mit massig Schiffen am Hafen, vielen dazugesetzen Häusern und Flugzeugen, belebte scenerie und haufenweise Flak alles ganz passable im netz läuft mit knapp 60 Leute drauf und WOE in die knie geht wenn da mal einige Objekte mehr auftauchen beides wird auf full gespielt und 1280 x 1024, ich warte mal einfach das endprodukt ab.
  2. Very nice klavs!!! I start to like this plane, I love your work but that`s another thing. Nice to see more versions of this baby! I thought about the idea to give the Yak-141 a new sekond skin something look alike F-35 for vertical takeoff and landing stuff... This is the Carrier version right?
  3. You have to change the canopy from automatic to manual so it should be closed when start the game, just try it
  4. Wow with WOI technic!!! damn nice Terrain!
  5. S-105

    Confirmed! pls delete those intakes on the tail too, what about the fins on the wing?! Are you happy with them?! ;-) Maybe another and more detailed wingguns?! and a cupholder for the pit?! My idea: intakes on the tail <--- have to look at them (they looked good for me, but when I`m on it I can make new one) intakes on the middle fuselage pls delete!!! new gun modells maybe new wing fins?! and we will have a damn nice S-105 modells how did you find out the name???
  6. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Dieses Target Value ist interessant habe mich damit nie befasst, werde das mal ausprobieren denn immer diese Fueltanks angreifen ist halt nciht so das wahre. Und auf dauer etwas öde. Bin mal echt auf die neuen Fliegerhorste gespannt! Respekt!!!
  7. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Sieht Top aus! Das passt mit der S-5 super, da ich gerade Teile für Kukulino und seine S-105 fertig habe. Hier der Thread http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=33022&st=0
  8. S-105

    Jo hey Ravenclaw is redoing the S-5 rockets.. so .... ;-) Damn If I had the OUT file I would redo the small intakes for you...
  9. S-105

    Good!!! But i need to work a bit on the late fin. I also created this plane for this fin, now we have S-105 early with humps S-105 late with fin will pack both and send them to you when I finish the UV mapping stuff maybe in the next days!
  10. Favour needed

    never saw this what is it?! never saw this what is it?!
  11. S-105

    Tell me what do you see
  12. S-105

    Haven`t ICQ installed yet will see what I can do about this fin I think it`s possible.
  13. S-105

    Nice you like it, will map it, you will be able to change the colour not really the texture will map it as mass. 3 colours for the pit, 1 colour for the antenas and one for the tail antena wich is now red cause of the skin. hope this is the stuff you`ve wanted!
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Für die Fahrzeuge des Bundes vllt ist das noch nicht bekannt. http://www.militaerfotos.info/meisterwerke...f501/index.html
  15. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    War wohl nen Matra werfer der noch das russische UB Gehäuse hat
  16. where is this 747 from??? need it!
  17. Rafale improvement

    We will post here some new stuff for the rafale cause with the new skin it looks good, not perfect but good!
  18. S-105

    New gunsight new antennas under the fuselage, under the left wing, on the top of the tailfin humps on the tailfin and on the fin under the belly can see on the pic below
  19. Rafale improvement

    can you pls send it to me Nextoperator ad gmx dot net @macelena caue it`s "copyrighted" of the A-Team! it`s freeware too but only availbe on theri site
  20. S-105

    Ok gunsight done for now working on the hump what do you think?
  21. Rafale improvement

    yeah I knwo this but hey maybe we can develop a nice FM and good ini so it will be something like a pre release goldstatus plane :-)
  22. S-105


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