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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Here are the few I have found when select Hard HUD mode I cant use the shift E key or other target lock key The key selection for wheel brakes and airbrakes in the optione menu is switched
  2. WOI Patch Bugs

    But I want to aquire the targer via those keys but without this arcade HUD !!!! Is there a way?!
  3. What do you Drive?

    The strange thing here in EU is, you see SUV`s driving only in the city and most by women.... ????
  4. GMG - German Modder Group

    Klar werden hier die Daumen gedrückt, selten so einen netten und hiflsbereiten menschen getroffen wie ihn. hat mir viel bei 3Dsmax geholfen und immer offen für fragen. selbst wenn es sich nur um dumme sachen handelte die ich übersehn habe! habe mich dafür entschieden die JJ-8II als kompletten flieger aufzulegen! sieht zwar nicht schlecht asu im augenblick aber nicht das was ich haben wollte.
  5. "right now" sounds good for the other versions... can`t wait to put my fingers on this and on the new F-14 from MF.. have seen the new exterior modell!
  6. Su-27 in WOI

    Ich nehme das Wohlfühlpaket in piniengrün bitte nd beheizbare sitze .. einpacken bitte!
  7. What do you Drive?

    just a question to all the US mostertruck driver... do u use it daily?! here in EU is nobody who would use such a "car/truck" as a daily ride.... would be cool to drive this one but I don`t want to pay the fuel
  8. What do you Drive?

    like this suzuki!
  9. GMG - German Modder Group

    Habt ihr was neues im petto?! und Ravenclaw wie gehts dir?!
  10. Bombtrains

    Oh havent seen the connection to the "ploane" A-5 sorry my misstake! Damn never saw something like this .. very interesting construction!
  11. What do you Drive?

    My ride MX-5 NB 98` 1.9L 140 HP 130 000 km now bought it with 122 000 km 0-100 kmh 8,5 sec 998 kg I made it lighter!!! I have never driven a car like this it`S damn different than any other car I tested. try yourself, steering is ve5ry precise, shoks are standart hard and the feeling is great. You can drive true the landscape with a much higher speed than any other stock car cause you have no problems in the curves. The highway exits here i9n germany are made for a speed max 60 kmh but with this baby you can go up to 90 without problems... only G strong enough for a daily ride.. damn i love this car! I bought it for only 4300€ and 2 weeks later someone hit my left door... I get 2300 back and puted it into this car .. new colour, new parts and everything is fine.
  12. that's what i call a SOAB

    It makes him die faster .. if a taliban friend see him in this uniform .. bang.. they will kill each other!!!!
  13. Here is a thread for inskyes creations.... the chinese people are doing a nice job. When you remember how they start, J-7 and J-8 modells of poor quality and something half backed. But the last one was great, MiG-31BM so what`s next??
  14. I added the grippen pit to a Su-35 (Su-27Mod) and added the cockpit.ini and avionics.ini to the folder and linked it in the Su-35.ini Now a strange problem apeared, when i fly over germany there is no problem with the terrain it only CTD when pressing Esc. But when I fly over Israel I get black squares and missing land textures all over the terrain but no CTD after quiting the flight. I use WOE as a testplatform, what goes wrong?! Did I missed some entries as i merged the files. I wanted to have a grippen pit for the modern look and russian HUD.
  15. Some years ago i was traveling in czech republic and a P-38,51,47 and some B-25 where buzzing over my head in a damn low flight. maybe 150 m or 200m not more .. damn was this a sound!
  16. Hey it`s up to you how to progress, ... every news are good news and damn nice skins!
  17. Maybe a dump question but have you thought about the idea to put the intake under the plane?! something like a F-108 or F-109 Fighting Sabre?! A what if plane?! But nice work so far !!!! Damn you have a nice quality of work!
  18. will you create a 5 version, cause the balkan conflict showed how important it is to have a second crew man to handle the incoming information on a modern battlefield.

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