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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Verdammt ich dachte in 14 tagen.. damn.. Ich kenns selbst, immer kommt einem das RL in die Quere!!!
  2. The body is not from a fishbed it`s from a Su-15 TM
  3. Pantera

    Ok thanks I`m refering to those IDiots planes ;-)
  4. InSkye what`s next

    I found something very interesting! Inskye if you like it, would be cool! But look yourself!
  5. Pantera

    The part where he explains why he not release these birds?! and I was born in Prague, lived there for many years and still have a flat there... damn nice city!!!
  6. Pantera

    Excuse me but I don`t understand italian, can someone translate it for me .. pls
  7. RF101C pit WIP

    Looks great! Something new on th Horizon!!!
  8. RF-84F Thunderflash

    gibt es nen release date?!
  9. Will finish the JJ-8II to have a nice partner for the J-8II
  10. Have to say it looks good, more detailed than your previous projects!!! I like it!
  11. 3 D MAX

    Make 3 planes for the 3 views not a Box! will be much easier!!
  12. 3 D MAX

    This is restricted you need the max file or add stuff via Pilot method! like me. There was a LOD extractor but it`s not allowed
  13. Loosk good very nice pics, will be great to fly this in the Desert storm Mod!
  14. Black Projects

    @ Zurawski, hope you like this idea, cause have no acces to your 3D file so I have created this here
  15. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    any news on this ird?! saw some pics arpound ... this planes looks great, I gave up my updatingproject for the current MiG-29G I wanted to fit in a HuD and some other small additions for this ageing modell!
  16. MV-22B Osprey v2.2

    Looks good, did you see my conversation?! I call it AV-22C Comanche! I deleted the Rotors and put some jet engines on it, only need to do the intakes. but what I would like to see is a heavy transport version of the V-22 something with 4 jet engines, 2 on the wingtips like the current one and 2 other on teh tail. All four are movable.
  17. InSkye what`s next

    Compare the J-8II mine is a reworked Su-15 body ..
  18. Nice, I think TK will do somethig about this.. would be great..
  19. MiG-21R

    great the same here! My secaond exams start in 1 1/2 month.. damn
  20. MiG-21R

    Wingtippods are ready, I`m now at work they have to be mapped. I have so damn no time, have to work this weekend, building 2 scooters in my garage, have to repair my car and rebuilding our kitchen and the next exams will start in 1 1/2 month... will post pics on mo or tu
  21. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Ich mach mir da keine Sorgen bei dir Raven... deine Arbeit ist auch top! Nicht so wie made in china...
  22. Georgia moves against separatists

    A damn sad contrast to the olympic games in china!

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