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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Ok, thanks. You guys are damn fast with modelling, was surprised about your Mig-31 release cause it came out of nowhere. Will be an interesting summer!!! Will you make pits to ... e.g. for the Su-34?!?!
  2. question about deep sun in wide sky This mod is absolutly great and i can`t imagine going back to normal settings, my question is what is this for a line.. seems like the earth ends there and than the sun effect appears some space above the ground?! is it something like clipping?! I`m absolutly sure this is a game issue not Fubars
  3. Mirage Factory RF-4C

    Sounds great, damn over 700MB I think I need a whole PC for WOE!?!?!?!?!?!
  4. Ok great news that`s enough infos for me ;-) Cool! May I ask u where are u from?! Cause of the name?! sounds german... Are u chinese or german?! :-)
  5. @ Signum your sounds are great, but when you spool up the engines it sounds a bit to "high" don`t know why but in iddle position it`s ok only when you increase the RPM it`S hard to use your soundpacks.
  6. You can see this effect also with canopy TGA`s when you fly infront of clouds or trees. Is it a programming issue or generall with TGA`S???
  7. Black Projects

    JJ-8 goes out for betatesting and ini tweaking, will work on the UV mapping later. My prob is I see so many birds around and I have so many ideas about what to change,upgrade and do in a new way. SO I have no competition in this section.
  8. Same here, your work is great like this details!!! Have to wait until I get home to check this new RF-4C
  9. Great skin for a damn nice bird!
  10. wasn`t he talking about copying pictures?! mh ok missunderstanding.. pics from websites = you can link them to your post, or press "Add reply" and then you can upload up to 40MB of pics .. best solution is to convert screenies to jpg.. cause of size.
  11. No quote! @ erwin do you have a list of your WIP`s ??? great work until now!!!
  12. Mirage Factory RF-4C

    Sitting here still at work couldn`t test it how many versions are in this 89MB pack?! looks good!!!!
  13. There are some other ways to distribute files, like Mailservice, nearly discovered Internet ;-P column5 was down cause of some troubles with the provider/server... and this was only a prob for the site not for MF itself. MF is french and coulmn US I think no quite sure...
  14. EF-2000

    Sometimes you have some addons without readme file so here are basic instructions for you 1. you have a Aircraft,weapons folder in your object folder in WOE, c:/WOE/Object/Aircraft <---example you copy after unziping the file your Aircraft, "Typhon" into this .../object/Aircraft folder 2.Pilots have to be put into the aircraft folder too, but you don`t nee another folder cause u can use them for every plane so put the lod and BMP files into this folder. 3. Add weapons to the sim, u need the weapons editor, instructions included, if it doesn`t start.. go to weaponseditor, right mousbutton for settings and set compatibility to Win98 2000 I think not sure and it will work. Adding weapons is described in the readmes. When you have add a weapon via described prcedure you have to start the weaponseditor and load the weaponsdata.ini can find this in the weapons folder. Load it.. and save it so the weapon is verifit in this ini and you can load it in the sim. This text needed more time to write than adding an aircraft,pilot and weapon needed together!!! so no big deal.. good luck!
  15. It`s great to see this bird around .. cool feeling to do a recon deep in enemy terretory!!! Thanks MF,thanks Dave!
  16. EF-2000

    You can use it as it is in WOE you will have some more options in WOI but when the new patches are out you have the same stuff in WOE too so doesn`t matter where you install it ;-)
  17. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Wenn du so weiter machst haben wir bald nen Wings of Ravenclaw!!! Super!!!! Hut ab!!!
  18. My no sorry was related to your question about some progress hope you did`nt understand it wrong.. I saw someone is working on this small pice. let us see what will happen .. if nothing I have no probs to touch this section and create a ne part of the fin to have aright looking A-4N fin... (looks like a fin from a F-15)
  19. Ah now I understand too.. this is the pit covering you meant!
  20. This is a fast responce!
  21. Cover windows?! why maybe I can help after the next thursday?! Can create some cover for it or you send the 3D Max file?!
  22. MiG-21MA

    I`m so new in this MiG-21 stuff what is different in all those mig`s
  23. New here and wondering what next?

    If you like this game I can say.. get WOV,WOE and WOI you get a nice mix of some very nice planes, campaignes and damn cool terains!
  24. No sorry still have one exam next thursday!!!

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