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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I installed the weapons right matched the weaponsini with the editor and now, I have the tnks attachted to the plane but .. they are invisible .. and I`m not able to see dead thing... people maybe.. but tanks... no
  2. Hey wrench if you want I will have sme free time so I could create this missing pod on the tail fin and enlarge this section to have a propper looking A-4N what do you say?!
  3. Da real interceptor in da house!!!
  4. Black Projects

    The two seater JJ-8 you mean?! it was planned but never realized.. never saw some pics this is just from my imagination and experiance of aircraft designe.. but thanks for you commenst and it cool you like my projects..
  5. J-10 BETA

    nice airplane!!!
  6. Black Projects

    AV-22C Comanche.. working on the nosesection will add a mix of a apache nose sensor arrays and MH-53 Pavelow front. A gun and two weaponstation will be added.. a combat/transport VTOL vehicle!
  7. This is a nice suprise!!
  8. Why not the whole plane?!
  9. Desert Storm mod

    There are 2,5 trees!!! So you can fly treetop!
  10. Desert Storm mod

    Ok this gone be great!! I see some nice birds flying around .. the highway of death.. and some dark smoke in the skye!!
  11. JJ-8II Finback

    The Super F-111 is a sitting duck on my HDD maybe there is a small suprise for you have to deal something with Dave..
  12. What are your GF settings .. cause I have some distortion .. in the distance..

    mh training missiles .. it`s like training going to the toilette... It`s has to do some boom!!! Without it`s nonsense!!!
  14. Desert Storm mod

    I want that 2,5 trees!!!
  15. InSkye what`s next

    Your skins look great!!!
  16. Desert Storm mod

    If you have WOE than yes... you need some specific files from WOE
  17. Novy shader effect pre vodu

    Tested!!! Great! no more to say!
  18. InSkye what`s next

    Great will test it too! I thought about the idea to add via pilot attachment a small update to those Q-5`s .. it`s without HUD and some other small peaces..
  19. Wooohaaaaaaaa If you were a girl I would marry you... I`m so in love with your mods!! Damn hot one (the mod)
  20. Desert Storm mod

    Lets see what CA_stary will do with this terrain?! :-P
  21. How long does it take until you have done a bird?! .. do you have a lot of free time?! Good work!
  22. So, we are all talking about new mods, addition and improvement of this game. We had a thread about "fair use moding" and rules of using someones work. But what we don`t have is a organised modding. I know that everybody can do and mod what he wants. but lets see this asa a whole company.. we all have aim to make this game better and to release addons and mods to earn some respect in the second point but as first one, to have some new toys! It`s our hobby and we are spending alot of free time to develop stuff. But the coordination is missing. Let`s talk about the China/Veltro incident. veltro is a well known modder and everyone awaited and awaits his mods. Me also! but look what has happend, I call it "missunerstanding" between the chinese guy and veltros thread! veltro was pissed of and I ca understand him, absolutly. It was definatly a wrong way to handle this hijacking. He spents a lot of time to create this beautiful Foxbat and other mods. I know he is still around and works further on his mods but he was hurt with this "missunderstand" My idea is to have a small database, or a nonopen forum for modders to discuss their projects or to have something to see what`s in the pipe and what are the informations about the progress. I want to discuss this fact, cause it should not happen again. best regards Martin
  23. Organised Modding

    If there is any double work .. there can be also some competition that`s right...
  24. InSkye what`s next

    Ok that`s nice!! Do you have someone who creates some nice FM?! This sim is so .... moddable.. we can have every plane and era in it!!! this is so great!!
  25. Efects pack 3 a nové stromy od Staryho!

    Uh and the girls at the university.. damn hot chicks!!! but no time and a girlfriend ... hehe so proble s solved..

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