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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Black Projects

    If you like you can send it over to me.. maybe I can make something out of it ;-) Nextoperator ad gmx dot net
  2. Black Projects

    I couldn`t resist.. will create a refuelprobe for this bird later. This is a J-8III there will be 2 more fins on the wings and it has a clean one part windshield. Mirrows will be added later
  3. Gun works good, but have no radar. Now it runs in WOE didn`t choose the Amos but my wingman had it .. but worked good.. don`t know what`s happend with this bird.. strange ..
  4. The interesting thing is, in a clean install this bird works fine.. but a modded one cause everytime a CTD and more worse stuff like a complete bluescreen restart.. don`t know what is inside of this plane that causes this crash.. Something must be different!!! never had this prob before! As I said the original one from inskye works great only this "new" version doesn`t work.. this and the last one!
  5. InSkye what`s next

    For me it`S ok, if it`s only ini editing.. if those modells are well modelled in a high poly matter, and some nice animations.. I can life with a comunity supported ini upgrade ;-)
  6. That`S nice.. so we will get some F-101 and RF-101?! great! This bird is so long awaited .. and those pits .. great stuff really!
  7. Hey Zur your work is outstaning.. damn good thing!! Never noticed that the PF Hellcat for 1C is your work!! Damn good modell! Your plane choice is interesting .. from the Talon to the MV-22.. the Hellcat.. and the Sabre. What`s next?! Some vacation?!
  8. Mh are there any pit pics allowed?! This baby looks damn hot thank your very much!
  9. MiG-31BM Foxhound

    I had no probs with the first release and I use a GF8800GT it should work!
  10. Like it too! Damn good work! Will download it as always thanks!!!
  11. MiG-31BM Foxhound

    No bloom deinstalled... I use a new WOE version patched
  12. mig 29

    I like the MiG-29G modell most .. not cause it`S modded by me .. but I fixed many things in the ini!
  13. MiG-31BM Foxhound

    mine still doesn`t work.. everytime my comp do a restart, changed the grafik settings and base scale but still ctd / restart..
  14. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Hope it`s not ready before my exams!!!!
  15. Nice to see you like it... will create the cover when I have some free time k ;-)
  16. Ok this is your request but reversed...
  17. Hi Thanks for your pics will work on this after the exams.. to kill the animation I did it in a more brutal way.. I deleted the brakes on the 21 F-13 modell and created a "cover " for the holes.. cause I use only the rear brake and no front brakes.. in my E-8
  18. R.I.P. Joseph Dwyer,

    Salute to him!
  19. MiG-21R

    Ok great news thank you! Wish you all luck for your exams!
  20. FoxHound Main gear

    Mh strange I have no probs with it..
  21. Mig-31

    Mh we will see what happens.. I think veltros is more animated.. and if you put a nice skin on it it can look and work better than the current one... wich is not bad!!
  22. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Da bin ich echt mal gespannt wie das endprodukt aussieht!
  23. This looks good! Would be nice to have it.. keep it up!
  24. RF-84F Thunderflash

    leider ist das nicht ein ganz neus Flugzeug sonder nur eins mit neuer Canopy, 2 Piloten und neuem Skin. Also die alte F-86K mit doppelpit. Aber wenn es gefällt und ich es endlich mal fertig mache dann wird es released. Anmerkungen sind auch hier immer willkommen. Zu der RF-84, habe richtig lange auf den Vogel gewartet, hatte schon überlegt die F-84 zu modden baer das hier ist ne Nachricht die ist wirklich klasse!!!!!

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