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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Etwas OT aber schaut mal...
  2. Your first combat flight sim...

    Aces ove Europe Aces of the Pacific Red Baron
  3. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Das nenn ich mal schnelle Arbeit!! Sieh wie schon geschrieben klasse aus, die 50er und 60er Jahre birds haben was ansich... einfach klasse!
  4. here is a small effort ... I would change the shape of the canopy a bit to get a more flat look. more stealthy. I had the same prob with my F-111X but now I gave it a wider and more flat look... something like a F-22 but with a shape of the (right) airplane!
  5. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Also das sieht super aus !!! wird ein guter Mod!!
  6. Black Projects

    It`s not 100% exact but has a nice lookalike effect! The J8II use only 2 textures .. the TGA for the canopy and the skin stuff. Hope to get it out in 3 weeks maybe earlier.
  7. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I tried it four times but never get into this.. I was playing il2 for some years and all other sims had to messure with this thing... I still play il2 but not BOB II
  8. WideSky V1.0

    I turned this dll effect of cause it looks so damn good without the blooming effect. Good work Fu
  9. Black Projects

    working on the countermessures, give me some pics and I will add them ;-) The double englined L-29 is a playaround ... Named L-29F Shark The chinese bird is a J-8 derivat from a Su-15 addon.. I deleted the canopy and some other parts and recreated the shape.. added some weaponstation to it and now I have a visual J-8II Finback
  10. Looks good any shadowcat pit pics?!
  11. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    Ok are those only pics or real modells?!
  12. Looks not so hard to do.. use it as a training.. Im sure to see first pics this weekend... keep up your work! look here don`t know if you see this thread but here is what I have did so far .. all are BETA WIP parts http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29416 buut you can create a BMP file so everyone can change the colour for those parts.. or just link them with the planes Texture .. like FC canards arte linked to the planes skin!
  13. Why don`t ask MF they have plenty of modells... don`t know how hard it would be to change a F to a D but it`s a try
  14. This looks nice.. where to find?! it just needs a bombrack and some guns and hey ... a nice lite attackplane
  15. Mh don`t know how it looks but create this antenna yourself in max and add this as a part via pilot adding procedure... and voila you have your antenna ?!
  16. What if......

    Hey you can name it what you want ... crackercat... puddingpussy... but for me it`s a shadowcat!!!!
  17. Black Projects

    This is a freehand variant of a TF-86K Sabre....
  18. Ok i reached today the limit of 40 MB for attatchements, how can I delete old pics?! Couldn`t find any link or option?! Dave can you help me or any other admin?!
  19. attachment limit reached help!

    Sorry for this dumb question, but really thank you ;-)
  20. Black Projects

    Ok my inet connection is running again and here are some pics... I want to say I had no pics all the days and this stuff is a freehand experiment.. will redo it when I have more time and pics .. but look yourself
  21. This is a nice pit,... you are da man for this work!! love your mig pits and now this!!! damn hot.. sad that there is so little response on this! Maybe a summer lag... good weather

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